District 2 Reaping

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District 2 Reaping:

Ally Summers POV:

I look boldly into my older sister, Ruby's twinkling eyes. She's trudging aside me to the District 2's highly anticipated reaping. My hand's locked with hers as we past one of the two bakeries located in our district.

The bakery we just past is owned by Tina Lissen's rich family. Tina's the most popular girl in the entire school, and because she's 18, she told everyone that she was volunteering, so if anyone dared volunteer in her place she'd go to the Capitol and kill them before the games even began.

This happened to be a huge relief for me since I was petrified of being chosen to enter the games. A scrawny twelve year old wouldn't be able to survive the games. I might have been able to outlast a decent amount of the other tributes since I'm from District 2, and I've gotten some sort of training before, yet I'd still perish like everyone else eventually.

Ruby and I continue on our path to the town square. We're fortunate enough that it is a fairly short walk there since we only live about quarter a mile away. Some people have to walk as much as 5 miles to get to the square.

Approximately 5 minutes later, Ruby and I are standing in line, I directly in front of her. I had asked her to go first so I could get it over with sooner.

When it comes to be my turn to be pricked for blood, I reluctantly hand over my finger and feel a slight stinging sensation in my finger as it's pricked and stamped onto the pad.

"Next," the lady who happens to live next door commands.

I oblige and walk into the square. Seconds later, Ruby is once again standing aside me. She points her finger to the section I suppose I'm suppose to stand in.

"You go in over there," Ruby tells me calmly.

"Thanks Rube," I smile, giving her a hug, "good luck."

"You too Ally," she replies returning the smile, "but you don't need it. We all know Tina's volunteering."

We part ways, and I swiftly walk into the back as Ruby walks into the front with the other eighteen year olds. I can't really see, but I think she's next to Tina who demanded to stand at the end of the row so she could easily walk out to volunteer.

I end up next to Alicia Asylum, who's personality is quite the opposite of her last name. She's all smiles and giggles and does anything she possibly could to help people. She's not the most popular girl around, but she's certainly the sweetest.

Right on time, mayor Zephyr strolls out onto the stage, glancing at the crowd ahead of him. I think he took a peak at his son, Danger. Danger's front and center, since he's eighteen and he's close to the center of the square.

"Welcome! It's time for annual reaping for the 500th hunger games!" Zephyr announces as everyone cheers, "Before we get to begin, we have to watch our already famous video about the past."

The video then begins and I completely zone out. I honestly can't pay attention to anything else because I can't stop wondering why there's one mega bowl instead of two smaller versions.

I then hear the blurb of words I heard end and watch Tara Frier walk right behind the bowl. Her grin goes ear to ear as she begins to speak, "Happy Hunger Games!" Everyone begins to cheer like madmen.

"I bet that several of you guys are unstinting why there's only one bowl. We happened to receive the twist from the 9th quarter quell where tributes will continuously be reaped until we have both a boy and girl tribute! This is exceedingly exciting because if we have a large amount of careers from a single gender volunteer, we may have a lot of careers in this games!" Tara screeches as everyone whistles and applauds except for me. My fear soars beyond belief and if you were in my shoes, you wouldn't be able to blame me. Our escort pulls out a name and unfolds it.

"Max," is all Tara can get out before the loud and deafening roar of 'I volunteer' roams out from the crowd.

We look up to see none other than Tina Lessen. Everyone was expecting this, but now that more than one girl can volunteer, murmurs can be hear throughout the crowd, everyone's probably debating on whether to volunteer as well or not to. Tina zooms up to the stage from the eighteen year old aisle before announcing her name and age which we already knew.


"I volunteer!" I hear announced from right next to me.

Although I heard it come from right next to me, I cannot help but look around, surely it couldn't have been Alicia that volunteered. But it was. She walked right past me, into the aisle where she walked up to the stage.

"My name is Alicia Asylum and I just volunteered myself to enter the hunger games," she announces, sounding just as shocked as everyone else. She stands on stage next to Tina, who is noticeably glaring at the crowd.

"Next up is," Tara calls out as she picks up a slip of paper, "Robin Azoom!"

A boy looking smaller than me walks out of the row parallel from mine. He wipes his eye and trudges towards the stage. I'm kind of relieved, since a boy being called signals the reaping' conclusion but suddenly I hear, "I volunteer!"

A girl walks out from the fouteen news year old aisle and gives the little boy a hug before telling him to return to his row. She strolls onto the stage and announces her name, "Lilac Azoom".

Tara is forced to resort pulling out yet another slip of paper, probably hoping its a boy this time. But it's not. It's Ruby.

"Ruby Summers!" Tara summons.

I cannot help but sob. I fall onto my knees and do nothing but cry. I would have volunteered, but Ruby said if she was picked for me to not to, so I don't.

Once on stage she whispers, "I'm eighteen," before stepping aside.

Tara pulls out yet another slip and smiles cruelly, "oh how interesting. Yet another slip that reads Ruby Summers. We all know what happens when this happens," she announces before pulling out her gun and aiming it at her head.

"The rules are if the bowl really wants you to be die, you do. Unless, you have someone who is willing to enter as well," Tara spits.

Ruby is crying. She eyes me in the audience and shakes her head but it's far too late.

I say the two words I thought I would never hear come out of my mouth. "I volunteer!"

I step out and advance towards the stage as I hear Tara say "Drats!"

I walk up to the microphone and face the crowd, "my name is Ally Summers, I just volunteered so I could save my sister from this insane human being."

That's when I turn and slap Tara Frier in the face. Peacekeepers escort me away from her and towards the rest of the tributes before I can do anymore damage.

Tara is holding her face where I slapped her as she pulls out a slip, which is thankfully the last one.

"Danger Wilson!"

I look down to where the mayor's son happened to be located. We are all in absolute shock he was reaped. How often is a mayor's son actually reaped for the games? Granted, he has possible potential to win since he did train a lot, but still. This is like the plot twist of the century.

Danger jogs up to the stage, announces his name and his age. Tara seems exceedingly relieved that this is the conclusion of our one out of wack reaping.

"Please have a hand for our tributes: Ally and Ruby Summers, Danger Wilson, Alicia Asylum, Tina Lessen, and Lilac Azoom!" We all receive a deafening applause and we all get escorted to the justice building where we all get the chance to say goodbye before we're all whisked away to the Capitol where possibly all of us will never again return.

That's a wrap! Which characters do you like the best so far? I don't even care if you begin reading like 77249172 months from now, I love all any comments, so let me know what characters you like and which characters you don't like XD

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