Chapter One | New Beginnings

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[A/N] Small note, I'm changing some small details in order to advance the plot, also this chapter is gonna be a little rough because there's so much introduction stuff so just bare with me it'll get better :(

This was a new chapter in Bea's life, one that she was hoping would be better than the last. As far as she was concerned, the girl was entering high school as a total virgin, not just in the sense of making love, but from kissing as well. 

She'd had one boyfriend, and that was something that didn't last very long, she was also heartbroken to find out that the whole situation had been a prank, just some stupid little dare. What could be more embarrassing than that, knowing that your feelings were simply a joke to someone. 

Things would be different now, Bea was headed to a boarding school, KISS.

Sure she knew nothing about the place, nor did she speak the language, but she was excited nonetheless. She had actually been taking some lessons on duolingo, and she was led to believe that any of that was going to help her. 

Nevertheless, it was time for Bea to embark on her journey, going from California all the way to Seoul Korea... 

"Boarding Group A." A voice chimed on the radio, Bea stood up and headed towards the long line that was forming, she was fortunate to get an early boarding group, though she was still flying coach, she was glad that she could choose where she wanted to sit rather than it being chance.

Her last time alone on a plane was a royal disaster after she was forcibly seated beside a single mother and her two crying children. Bea's headphones had also died and therefore she had to listen to their whining the whole plane ride.

Luckily this time things were better, Bea snagged herself a little window seat and relaxed in her chair. She had a lay over in Rome, which she was very excited about, she'd never been to the city personally, and she was hoping to at least enjoy the view from her window seat.


Bea was seated at the new terminal, this time in Rome, she watched as all sorts of people began to sit near her, most of them were Korean. Then all of a sudden, stepped on her foot, sure it had been sticking out a little too far from her seat, but it was a large space, the man had no business doing such a thing.

"Excuse me." Bea said in distraught, she glared at the boy who was a few paces ahead of her seat.

"No english." The boy scoffed.

Bea sighed and replied in Korean, then the boy simply insulted her by commenting on her poor pronunciation. Bea rolled her eyes and tried to ignore the feeling of embarrassment that was overcoming her. She had unfortunately failed to spot the KISS emblem on the boy's jacket. That meant that she was surely in for a treat when she would arrive at the school.

The woman at the counter began announcing that the plane had arrived and that it was time to board, Bea lined up for the A boarding once again. This time the 'No English' boy crashed into her shoulder. She didn't bother saying anything as it seemed that the boy was trying to evoke some sort of emotion from her. 

"Excuse me." He said, his pronunciation seemed better, though Bea was too enraged to notice it. She made a face of disgust at the boy and clenched her fists, she could not believe the nerve that this boy had. 

He was of course a spoiled brat, and was one of the only people who was sitting in the first class section, and by the looks of his clothing and that awful personality, he seemed to be filthy rich...

Bea slept on the plane to Korea, and she greatly regretted in doing so because now her sense of time was completely off. As for her luggage, it had luckily made it all in one piece, though it seemed that someone had stolen one of the keychains that was on the outside of her luggage.

Bea just ignored the small theft and headed for the KISS bus, she placed her luggage in the under side bin and headed inside the humming vehiclee. She watched as other kids began to pile into the bus, and then she spotted the rude boy from earlier, he, of course, had his own car and driver that was here to pick him up. 

There was also a strange sight of a girl trying to catch the bus, she seemed out of place in the crowd and was easy to point out. She tripped and was being left behind, she was clearly trying to catch the attention of the driver, though was failing badly at it. Bea was going to say something to the bus driver but she didn't want to embarrass herself furthermore with another round of horrible Korean. 


Finally, the girl had reached KISS, and she felt a wave of joy wash over her as she entered the front courtyard of the large campus. It was utterly beautiful, and everyone looked nice enough.

Bea headed to the main building where there were student check ins, there were several women with clipboards who were crossing off names on their list. Bea headed to the one that matched her last name. 

"Hello, Beatrice Hwang." Bea said with a smile, she was awfully nervous for some reason. 

"Are you in the dorm's?" The woman asked, she had a low voice and a wide smile, everyone seemed so welcoming in the school, which made Bea feel much better about herself. She felt like she was going to be out of place at KISS, but there were so many foreigners there that she didn't feel strange at all. 

"Yes." Bea continued, the woman nodded and handed her a form to fill out. 

Once that business was concluded it was off to the girl's dorms. Bea was given one of the dorms in which there was only one roommate, which was what Bea had pictured in her head anyways. She didn't need the luxury of a kitchen, and sharing a bathroom couldn't be all that difficult. 

The girl opened the door to her dorm and crept in slowly. She was concerned about the figure that was staring her right in the eyes, then all of a sudden the girl jumped up and rushed towards Bea.

She began to hug the girl and speak rapidly in Korean.

"I don't speak Korean very well." Bea pleaded, she waited for the girl to let go of her and then exhaled deeply.

"Oh that's fine." The other girl said, she had short brown hair that was styled in a half ponytail. "I'm Shin Mi-Sun, but you can call me mizu." Mizu said with a smile, she grabbed Bea's hands and glared right into her eyes. She certainly had a very demanding presence, which Bea wasn't sure if she hated or absolutely adored.

"I'm Beatrice, Bea for short." Bea said, she smiled and threw her stuff on the bed. "We both have nicknames for names." Bea continued.

"I was going to say the same exact thing." Mizu said excitedly, she stood beside Bea and continued to glare into her eyes. "I'm sorry, I'm just so excited, last year I didn't get to have a roommate because they gave me the empty dorm and the year before that my roommate was a total psycho." Mizu exclaimed, Bea nodded and began to unpack some of her things. This really just meant that she was throwing it into drawers and hoping that it would just fold itself.

"OOO, are you wearing that to the welcoming party?" Mizu asked, she was referring to a maroon dress that was laying on Bea's bed. 

"I-, should I? I was thinking of wearing something a little less crazy." Bea said, although she wanted to make her statement in a formal setting, she ultimately felt like playing it safe would be the better option.

"You have to wear it, c'mon." Mizu said, she held the dress up to Bea and smiled. "Plus it matches mine." Mizu added, she rushed to her side of the room and grabbed a black dress, the two colors surprisingly went well together. 

Bea and Mizu spent the rest of their free time getting to know one another, they found that they had several things in common. They had similar taste in films, music, and hobbies. What they disagreed on was trivial and would honestly make for a great debate.

Nevertheless, the two girls finished their conversations and began to get ready for the party, it was Bea's first time meeting everyone at the school, this was her first impression, she could not mess things up...

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