Chapter Six | Visits From You

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Bea returned home from dinner just before the curfew. She was lucky that she hadn't run into professor Lee, because he would have most likely given her a detention for sneaking around the campus at night, curfew or not.

"You'll never guess where I was." Bea said, though she was met with the sound of snoring. Bea sighed and headed to bed herself. She never thought she'd say it, but she was enjoying the boy's company, of course there was the fact that he'd bought her a free meal, that certainly helped add to the luster of their little hang out, but it would have been different if he hadn't been there.

At first Bea didn't really understand, nor notice, the change in feelings with Minho. She took it that she was finally ready to become friends with the boy, and she hoped things would end at just that.


Kitty had invited Bea to join her in her dorm. She stated that Q would be there, and sadly Minho, though the moody brat was no longer a deterrent for Bea. She was actually looking forward to seeing him again, though she knew she'd regret her words sooner or later.

So, Bea made her way from the girls dorm to the boys, she'd faced a lot of scrunched noses and faces of confusion as she made her way to Kitty's dorm.

Bea knocked on the wooden door and waited patiently for someone to let her in. The door began to creak open and she was met with Kitty's face, which had the biggest of smiles plastered right on to it.

"Thank god you're here, Minho's driving me insane." Kitty teased, Bea laughed at Kitty's expression and greeted Minho, who was wearing a wifebeater and apron?

"I didn't know you could cook." Bea stated, she sat down at the little bar in front of the stove. She watched carefully as Minho began cutting onions and what not.

"You'll cut off a finger chopping like that." Bea noted, Minho didn't curl his fingers when cutting, which was very dangerous, Bea knew from experience.

"What are you, a Michelin chef?" Minho scoffed, he sounded sort of harsh, though he was just being playful.

"I've just learned the hard way." Bea said, she held up a finger with a nasty scar on the backside, "Care to look." Bea teased, she watched as Minho looked at her with a face of disgust. Bea had watched most of the conversation from afar, her mind was brewing something for sure, though she wouldn't comment on the matter, for now.

"Oh come on, look." Bea said, she kept moving her wounded finger closer to Minho until he eventually caved and looked closely at it.

"That's because you're not careful, it's a skill issue really." Minho stated, he pointed his finger at Bea and scolded her like he was her mother.

"Don't say I didn't warn you." Bea said, she folded her arms and sat back in her chair, she wasn't even sure what Minho was cooking. It looked like a snack, some sort of spicy oil ramen, but he was putting so much effort into it.

"I'll be right back." Kitty said, both Bea and Minho had forgotten that she was even in the dorm.

Kitty snuck into Q's room and slammed the door quickly behind her, first she spoke about her recent findings of her mother and her plans on investigating that. Then she moved on to more pressing matters.

"That sounds super exciting and all, but I want to see what's going on between those two outside." Q said, he looked through the slight crack through the door and watched Bea and Minho's conversation.

"It's very interesting." Kitty said.

"Is your matchmaker brain turning." Q teased, he watched as Kitty looked closely at the two who were still engaged in conversation in the kitchen.

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