Chapter Seven | Strictly Platonic

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Bea jolted awake in a cold sweat, her heart was rapidly beating, and her forehead was all sweaty. It was as if she'd been running, except that wasn't what had happened at all, she'd been dreaming. 

The girl shook her head a few times and took a moment to gather her thoughts and emotions. She was ultimately too tired to think about the situation as it was currently 3am and she wasn't mentally nor physically awake or competent.

So, Bea headed back to sleep, leaving the whole dream issue for the morning. Of course she wasn't going to tell anyone about this, because that would give the wrong impression, an impression that she was not intending to give, that impression being that she might actually be falling for Minho.

That clearly wasn't the case since the girl woke up before she even kissed him, that had to be a sign of self respect and friend zoning, right? It couldn't have been because she was scared of the act, no, never, she simply hated his guts so much that she couldn't bare to see her kiss him. But did she really hate his guts? And was the thought really so awful?

Bea felt conflicted and confused, was she in denial? Possibly. It was more so this overwhelming feeling of having no one to talk to, she didn't want to tell anyone about this.


"Yeah, what does it mean when you dream about someone?" Bea asked at lunch, Mizu had already left school, her parents always picked her up early for Chuseok.

"It's super big, especially if you don't already like this person." Kitty said, now Q was sitting with them too. "Right Q." Kitty asked for back up, the boy nodded aggressively and looked at a certain french boy.

"Who'd you dream about?" Kitty asked, Bea sighed and looked to the floor in shame.

"You don't know them." Bea muttered, she was lying, clearly, and wasn't great at doing so. Kitty and Q were picking up on that, though they chose not to press further, for now.

"Them." Q said with a little smirk. "Kitty quit asking questions, maybe it's a girl." Q continued, although Bea wasn't opposed to the idea (she's bi), it was sadly not a woman that she'd dreamt about. 

The urge to tell Kitty the truth was so very strong, but Bea ultimately chose not, and for some strange reason, she was sort of glad that she didn't.

"I don't even like this person." Bea continued.

"Do you mean like like or do you mean as a person?" Kitty asked, Bea turned her head in confusion.

"She means, do you not like this person romantically, or do you not like this person as in they annoy you." Q said, Bea nodded her head in understanding, Q had cleared things up for her as Kitty's wording was very confusing.

"Both." Bea said plainly, she didn't like this person in general, she tolerated this person because she had to and because benefits came with tolerating this person. She had now deduced that the dream was simply because she'd seen too much of Minho outside of her personal life.

"I'm so curious, at least give us a hint." Kitty begged, Bea sighed and started doing the motion of chopping an onion, and then flipping the hair out of her face.

"What?" Kitty asked in confusion, Q was already smiling to himself, he'd cracked the code pretty easily, as he should, given that he was best friends with Minho.

"I know who it is." Q smirked, though he kept his mouth shut after that, even after Kitty begged and begged him. "You figure it out, c'mon, use that Kitty brain of yours." Q said, Kitty sighed and looked at Bea, who had stopped the charades.

"I give up." Kitty frowned.

"I'm not telling you, but also, it's not that big of a deal." Bea said plainly, "I'm completely over it now, it means nothing to me." Bea continued, she felt better in publicly announcing that statement, though neither of the two people sitting in front of her believed a word she was saying.

Crush | XO Kitty (Minho)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang