Chapter Fourteen | Be My Maybe

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It seemed like everyone had someone or something to love at KISS. Kitty and Dae were head over heels in love, Florian and Q were thrilled with each other, and Minho had moved on, making  Bea feel like absolute trash.

She'd tried and tried to get the boy out of her mind, but with each and every passing day she found it more and more difficult to deny her feelings. They were there, but she tried her best to keep them down, after all, he was with Madison, for reals this time.

She wasn't sure if it was a rebound, a ploy to make her jealous, or if he'd seriously grown tired of their little games that they'd play. Perhaps he'd never even liked her, maybe he had just been trying things out, no strings attached. The thought made Bea sick to her stomach.

Bea knew that it was bad, but she desperately wanted a distraction, a situation, something that would make her forget all the drama and problems that came along with Minho.

(disclaimer, in this series i'm making it that yuri isn't that much in love with juliana cuz like we don't even know what's gonna happen in season two like 😮, also, kitty still has the feelings for yuri and she lowk gets kinda mad at bea)


"You look good today." Yuri said cooly, she'd been a lot more talkative towards Bea after her and Kitty somewhat made up after Minho's party, she was starting to drop her old friends and hang more with Kitty and the others.

"Thanks." Bea smiled, "You too."

"I literally have dark circles but thanks." Yuri kidded, she was always perfect, she had an effortless sort of beauty, the kind where you didn't have to try to be graceful or cute. She was just naturally like that.

Sometimes it was annoying, Kitty had picked up on that. She'd had her fair share of rants about Yuri, how she was mean, the whole Dae situation and all that, but it was all in the past now, there was no Yuri and Dae.

"Do you wanna hang out?" Yuri asked, Bea whipped her head in the other girl's direction, she had a very confused look on her face, why the sudden friendship from Yuri. Maybe she was lonely, that was the only thing that made the situation make sense, Yuri's friends did kind of suck anyways.

"Yeah, sure." Bea said with a smile, the idea didn't seem so bad, and she literally hadn't done a single thing since the party, besides the occasional dinner with Mizu. This would be a good change of pace for her, and allow her to actually get out for once, live a little.

"I'll meet you at your dorm." Yuri smirked.

"I-, okay." Bea said, she wasn't sure how she knew where she lived, maybe Yuri knew Mizu, or maybe she'd asked Kitty or something.

Bea was petty sometimes, okay, a lot of the time. She'd emailed all her professors to move her away from Minho, she'd made a doable excuse and now she was free from his gaze.

That wasn't necessarily true, he still glared at her from across the class from time to time, but she was free from sitting right beside him. Free from his snarky little comments and his rude gestures.

Though, this meant that Bea had to sit next to Iguana boy which was agonizing. Though, this meant she was free from his remarks and snarky little comments, she was almost certain that Minho would talk about Madison.

"Bea can we please talk." Minho stated, he tried to speak with the girl after their class.

"No." Bea said abruptly, she brushed past the boy and headed for her next class. She was going to hang out with Yuri after this as the school day was nearly over, she was excited to get to know the girl better.

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