Chapter Fifteen | Say "I'm Sorry"

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Bea and Mizu were currently in the process of packing for camp. Mizu was packing as if she was never returning, she'd already stuffed three books and twelve pairs of underwear in her suitcase, alongside the mountain of clothes.

As for Bea, she was packing the necessary amount, because she knew she'd never end up reading or doing anything like that. She'd thought about what Yuri had said, and she wasn't sure how she felt about it.

They'd devised a plan that would be put into place on the trip, the main goal was to pester Minho. She was certainly a spiteful person, but she felt as if maybe she was in the wrong, for once. But then she remembered the way Minho had taunted her after the friendzone and how bad she'd felt about herself, and of course the whole Madison thing.

Plus, it wasn't like they were really hurting him, all he had to do was not pay attention.

"You okay?" Mizu asked, Bea looked up at her friend and nodded. 

"Yeah, let's go." Bea said, the bus would be out front any minute, she could hear slamming coming from the dorms next door, people must already be gathering in the courtyard.

"Just a little longer, i'm almost done packing." 


The duo eventually made it out of the dorms and towards the buses, Bea visually cringed at the sight of all the couples, and she felt so single. Q spotted her and eventually headed in her direction.

"I'm so sorry you have to see this." Q said, he currently had no comment in terms of the Minho relationship, but he knew that Madison was an interesting character nonetheless.

"Don't be, I don't even know who you're talking about." Bea said, she believed that the best way to deal with this situation was total avoidance and completely ignoring Minho.

"Okay so we're doing that." Q said, he could tell the girl was still a little butthurt, she was within reason, it was just strange seeing her like this. Beforehand, everything between her and Minho had been sort of a joke, there was never any real hatred between them, now there was some real bitter resentment. "Look, just please make up so we can all hang out together again." Q sighed.

Bea folded her arms and looked to the floor, she knew she was being a little petty now, but there was no harm in that, for the most part. She knew she'd at least get on speaking terms with him in the distant future.

Everyone made their way onto the bus, but the strange thing was that Madison didn't want to sit beside Minho, she'd chosen to be with one of her other friends, that forced Bea and Mizu to sit in the row beside Minho. Of course, the boy had to take the aisle seat next to Dae and now the two were practically seated next to each other.

"Hey." Minho said as Bea sat down.

"Hey." She muttered in response, she knew she was being childish by dragging the whole situation out for this long. The date had happened a few weeks ago, but it was still fresh in her mind.

"I'm s-."

"It's fine Minho, we don't have to talk about it." Bea interrupted.

"I was apologizing about my snoring." Minho kidded, Bea turned pink and sighed deeply.

"Oh, sorry." She mumbled, he was over it, over the apology and over his mistake. She was over it too, over the feelings, over the friendliness, they were back to cordial enemies, which was really the best thing for them, their little rivalry was so fun at times.


Everyone arrived at the campsite, Bea hadn't slept one bit, Minho wasn't lying when he said that he snored. Bea had been distracted though, the snoring wasn't the real reason why she couldn't get some shut eye, she was thinking about the plan, and did she really need to go through with it?

The initial idea was that her and Yuri would get caught making out in front of Minho, it was sort of stupid and was only to get back at him, but she didn't feel like getting revenge anymore.

But upon asking about it Yuri insisted that they do it for the hell of it.

"Minho is an ass sometimes, we're just giving him a taste of his own medicine. Plus he hurt you, you may be over it because of the charm, but he tried to claim you at the dance, kissed you, then starts dating a new girl the same week? I don't think so." Yuri said, not to mention the situation with his cousin, and all the little insults and gaslighting and all of that.

This was harmless, and so Bea chose to go along with it. As for now everyone was losing their shit over some idol who just popped out of a limousine.

"Youre not a fan." Minho asked, Madison has taken off running in the direction of the idol as well as all the other girls in the grade.

"I don't know who he is." Bea said plainly, she didn't mean to be rude, she simply didn't know. Minho's shock made her feel as if she'd done something wrong.

"Are you even Korean?" Minho scoffed, "I'm only kidding, fangirling over idols doesn't make you any more or less Korean." Minho continued, he'd spoken before the girl could even get a chance to say something.

"You should go chase after your girlfriend, otherwise she might run away with that, what's his name."

"Ocean Park." Minho muttered, he didn't chase after Madison, he chose to walk with Bea to the campsite, "You can't get rid of me that easily." Minho continued.

A/N: I forgot if that's the name my b

There was silence for a moment, though it was filled in by Minho again. It seemed as if he just loved to hear the sound of his own voice, it had to be the truth because he never knew when to shut up.

"We haven't talked in ages, I understand why but I'd like to make things right." Minho said, he sounded so genuine, and his gaze was hard to ignore. Was he trying to work his charm on the girl or was he actually having a genuine conversation with her?

"We're fine, i'm fine, trust me. I just wasnt going out of my way to talk to you." Bea said, it wasn't necessarily true, she kind of ignored him.

"We're fine? So we're friends again." Minho said, he almost sounded disappointed with that statement.

"Yeah, just know i'm doing this for Q." Bea noted.

"Of course you are." Minho scoffed, though it wasn't necessarily out of anger, it was more of a sarcastic sort of scoff. 

The two had made it to the camp now, along with the rest of the class. They'd joined them a few minutes ago but had continued their conversation until Alex grabbed everyone's attention.

Mizu and Bea were bunking together, Dae and Minho, and surprisingly Yuri and Kitty. The two still seemed hostile towards eachother and Kitty looked so confused. 

Nevertheless, a lot was going to happen at camp, whether it be good or bad is yet to be determined.

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