Chapter Ten | The Jealous Type

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It was the day of the party, Bea was sort of nervous about the event because she didn't have a new dress, this time around she wanted to look good for a change, it's who she wanted to look good for that was the problem.

But for now, Bea's mind wasn't on the dress, it was on her dream and now it was her turn to find out the culprit who had told Minho about it. At first Bea was thinking that it could be Kitty, though that didn't seem right, Kitty would have nothing to gain from telling Minho something like that, in fact it could have hurt her matchmaking situation.

That only left one other option, because Mizu had already left, and Bea knew Florian wouldn't do a thing like that (he wouldn't care). That meant that Quincy had betrayed Bea's trust and now Minho believed that Bea had feelings for the boy, although, the situation had changed since then.

Back then, Bea really did have no strings attached, but after Chuseok and all that vulnerability around Minho, the situation was beginning to change.

"Q, who let you off the hook." Bea began, the whole group has split up today, Kitty had something to do, Mizu had a club meeting and Florian's presence was just simply needed elsewhere.

"What ever do you mean?" Q said, he looked caught, he looked like he knew exactly what this conversation was going to be about, at least he was good at reading signs. 

"You told Minho about my 'sex dream', which wasn't even a 'sex dream', it wasn't even a kiss dream." Bea stated, she wondered if the boy had exaggerated things, making them seem even worse than she'd led on. 

Bea was being truthful, she didn't even kiss the boy, in a dream. She was blaming the subtle feelings on the fact that all of her friends were throwing it in her face and altering her reality. The fact of the matter was that both Bea and Minho found each other repulsive and often compromised on things when there was a common goal or when they would both benefit.

They had a primitive and hostile friendship at best, so what they'd just recently opened up to each other about personal matters and so what they'd both dreamt about each other..

It wasn't a crush it wasn't anything like that, it was fabricated by people who want something to happen between a boy and a girl. Maybe it's for entertainment, or out of the goodness of their hearts. It was still detrimental to Bea's mind.

"Ok, I did, but his response will shock you." Q said, Bea covered her face with her hands and shook her head back and forth, she wasn't ready for this. He probably made fun of her or something awful like that.

"Just go on and say it."

"He actually had a sex dream, about you, not like the whole thing but pretty damn close." Q said, Bea was so astounded that she just couldn't believe what Q was saying. He had to be messing with her for some stupid joke.

"That's mean Q." Bea said.

"I swear on my life it's true, you can ask him, he'll freak." Q began, "On second thought, don't, he said not to tell anyone, and I never tell secrets, it's just that you had me under blackmail." Q continued.

"I wouldn't have told him anyways, that would just be more embarrassment." Bea stated, though now she had an ace up her sleeve if she needed to get something out of Minho.

Q just smirked at Bea, he was thinking about something, about how this was all too strange. Why didn't Bea and Minho get together already, it seemed like they both reciprocated feelings, it was just stubbornness and stupid superficial reasons that were getting in their way.

"Please don't say whatever you are thinking Q." Bea said, the bell rang shortly after her statement, Bea smiled and headed to her next class. She was eager for the school day's end, but sad about Mizu not being at the party.

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