Chapter Eight | A Little Mishap

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"What was that?" Q asked, Bea sighed and shrugged her shoulders, she acted as if she didn't know what he was referring to. "Oh don't give me that." Q added, there was no use in denying the fact that she'd been looking at Minho, though in her defense it was out of curiosity.

"It was-"

"Nothing, yeah yeah." Q said, he was more of a Minea shipper than Kitty was, he'd even come up with their ship name, which he himself believed was very adorable and fitting for the two. Any other combinations either didn't work or just sounded awful, this was the right one for sure. "He's really not so bad after you get to know him." Q added.

"Well, luckily I haven't gotten to know him." Bea shrugged, there she was with those out of pocket remarks again, why was she being so rude all of a sudden. She'd said that he was bipolar, but she was beginning to see how much she acted like that as well.

One minute she was friendly, the next she was hurling insults, she couldn't understand why? Why was she so afraid of becoming friends with this boy, why did the thought of getting close to him terrify her?

"Don't be like that, c'mon I'll get a conversation started." Q said, he linked arms with Bea and walked over to Minho who had just concluded his phone call. Bea stared directly in the eyes of the beast, though it was much less of a beast and more so a sad looking boy.

This was the most vulnerable Minho had ever been, and Bea just couldn't understand why he was like this? He seemed perfectly fine beforehand, in fact he almost seemed to be in a good mood, which was unusual because he often appeared to be in a constant state of misery. This was different, it wasn't the usual cool manner that Minho wore for a crowd, this was a different kind of misery, a deeper sorrow.

"Why don't you tell Bea about Lulu." Q said, he then unlinked his arm and rushed away from the couple and towards Florian, who was speaking with a few other students at a nearby table.

"As much as i'd love to talk about my date, I'd much rather hear about the dream you had about me." Minho said, Bea paused and raised an eyebrow in confusion, she didn't say anything, though it was difficult to do so when you were at a loss for words.

"Sure, it was lovely actually." Bea teased, Minho grinned and stared menacingly at the girl in front of him. 

"Oh really." Minho stated.

"Yeah, you were the first to die in the apocalypse." Bea laughed, Minho frowned and slapped a palm to his forehead, Bea wasn't sure if he could see through her lie or if he was disappointed in his weakness in Bea's dream, it almost appeared to be a mix of the two.

"I highly doubt that." Minho said.

"You don't have to believe me, I saw it firsthand." Bea added, she was trying to play off the awkward situation by disguising it as a joke, deep down she was mortified. She knew that he knew and all she could do was joke about something else.

The bigger question would be finding out who had told Minho. Was it Q? Or Kitty? This was a question that Bea desperately wanted to answer, but simply didn't have the time for, and so it was put off until the end of the night.


Kitty gave her little speech and soon everyone began sitting in their seats, Bea needed Minho to sit near professor Lee in order for her plans to work, though there was one vacant seat beside Minho's designated location.

"I am not sitting there." Minho protested, though the familiar sight of Madison brought him rushing to the seat beside the grumpy professor. "Sit down." Minho whispered loudly, he looked directly at Bea and gestured for her to sit beside him.

As much as the girl wanted to see the boy suffer beside Madison, Bes opted to play nice and not ruin the boy's Chuseok, it seemed hard enough for him already, he didn't need anything else ruining his night.

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