Chapter Twelve | Young and Dumb

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Mizu was informed of all the drama and antics that had gone on at the party, and she was incredibly shocked by Bea and her jealousy towards Minho. Though it couldn't be helped, she was actually falling for him now.

She may still be in denial, but the fact still stood.

That didn't matter now, everyone was forced into detention on Saturday of all days. Bea chose to sit with Q and Florian, Kitty was with Yuri of all people and Minho was across from Bea sitting with Madison. 

Bea watched with a furious expression as Madison and Minho began scribbling on a piece of paper. Q and Florian watched the whole interaction, then glanced back at Bea, who had steam practically shooting out of her ears.

"Sooo, the party, how was it for you guys." Q began, he was really asking Bea what she had done at the party, because he had been with Florian the whole time.

"That prick." Bea said, she'd ignored Q and was still glaring at Minho, though she quickly looked away when the boy glanced in her direction. "I was so wasted when I kissed him, does it still count?" Bea asked, Q and Florian shrugged their shoulders. "Well c'mon, I need an answer."

"Was it your first time?" Q asked, he had a look of concern on his face, it had to count if it was the first time, she couldn't just disregard a kiss like that. It was very intimate.

"I-, yeah, but I don't want it to be with him." Bea frowned, now Madison was drooling all over him and acting all lovey dovey with Minho, she couldn't stand the sight of it. Deep down she knew the reason why she felt this way, but she just couldn't bring herself to actually believe that she liked him.

"I don't think you have a choice darling, it was a long kiss. Had it been a peck it would be a different story." Florian said, he glanced over at Minho and Madison, then back at Bea, who had also been looking that direction.

"I wasted my first kiss on him." Bea frowned.

"Beatrice, you shouldn't be speaking on such frivolous matters and instead tend to your studies, you are almost as bad a student as Kitty." Professor Lee scoffed, Bea's face went red and she buried her face into her arms.

"Just kill me now." Bea said, she sighed and looked down at the desk.

"Okay i'm just going to go ahead and address the elephant in the room." Q began, "You like Minho, and bad." He continued, Bea didn't look up at Q, she kept her head down and sighed. "Is that a yes?" Q asked, Bea didn't say anything.

"I won't let it happen." Bea said in a serious tone.

"It's a little late for that." Florian teased.

"Whatever, I'll forget about it. I've got a date with his cousin anyway." Bea said, she'd be able to forget all about Minho for a little bit, Ho-Seok had asked her out to dinner. This was the break that she needed, and hopefully good things would happen with her and this new boy.

"Well that'll be nice." Q said. 


Professor Lee was temporarily distracted by Florian and now all the students were able to roam free around the library. Kitty and Yuri were out and about discovering the secrets of their mothers and Bea chose to stay with Q and Florian. The three of them chose to sit in a secluded corner somewhere in the library. As for Minho, he was completely unaccounted for and currently missing in action.

"Ok, let's get things straight." Q began, because to be perfectly frank, the boy was confused on Bea's stance and her feelings towards Minho, one second she was actually tolerating him, the next she was acting disgusted by her own emotions. It was certainly a lot to take in.

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