Chapter Nine | Thoughts of You

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The weekend had concluded and everyone returned home from their families. Last night was strange between her and Minho, there was something off about both of them. There was no insults, there was no snarky attitude, they were simply getting to know eachother.

Bea learned that his family was sort of messed up and that he didn't get a lot of love from either one of them, while on the other hand he became envious of Bea's loving parents and the relationship that they had with one another.

Minho had been embarrassed the rest of the night because of his little mishap, so the least Bea could do was embarrass herself as well, that way they would be even.

She stated that she'd had a genuine dream about the boy, though that in her defense she woke up in fear before anything happened, and also to clarify, she urged that the dream was nothing.

Minho didn't comment about it, in fact he was very quiet about talk of dreams and what not, because perhaps he'd had a similar situation and he was trying to ignore his own dream...

"Tell me all about Chuseok." Mizu beamed, Bea shrugged her shoulders and sighed, she wasn't sure what to say, there were a lot of things to unpack.

Bea eventually got around to explaining the whole Lulu situation as well as the dinner that followed that, and the dream, that was another thing a whole new situation that Bea didn't quite understand.

"He's dating the idol Lulu? That's insane." Mizu said, she sounded more shocked than annoyed, "And he said something about us i'm assuming." Mizu continued, she could tell that there was something that Bea was meaning to say. Bea was diverting eye contact and she seemed anxious and on edge.

"Us as in you and him?" Bea asked, just for clarification. Mizu nodded her head. "Yeah, I was trying to insult him by mentioning how he treated you and then he just ended up telling me everything." Bea stated, she wasn't necessarily mad at Mizu, just unsure why her friend had left out such an important detail about her life.

Mizu had made it seem like she'd never gotten to even get near Minho without him being disgusted, but in all actuality she'd just never gotten to know him nor befriend him like she'd wanted. Minho didn't do relationships, and in turn it ended up breaking the girl's heart.

"I'm hearing more about you two everyday." Mizu smirked, she wasn't the jealous type, she'd gotten over the boy, and thank god for that, because the last thing that Bea needed right now was an enemy. 

"It really isn't like that, I promise." Bea said, it was less of a promise for Mizu and more to herself, she vowed not to fall for this boy, because that would be, quite frankly, just flat out embarrassing for her.

He was a friend, a good friend now that they'd both opened up to each other. There was this trust for each other that they now possessed that often went with a close friendship, not a relationship, those were different, there is a different kind of vulnerability in a relationship.

"Well, if you say so." Mizu said, "I respect your opinion." She smiled, though she would now do everything in her power to get the two together. So now there were two matchmakers working against Bea rather than just one.


Lunchtime rolled around once again, and the three girls were seated at the table across from Q and his friends, he'd now become a thing with Florian, all thanks to Kitty's doing. Though of course, Q could smell drama from a mile away and rushed to join the three girls in their conversation, which had just changed from a seemingly regular topic to Minho.

Florian also joined in on the fun because of Q, though he too had a keen eye and had spotted the supposed 'chemistry' that Kitty and Mizu kept preaching about.

"Q what do you make of this?" Bea asked, she was hoping that, since Q was Minho's friend, he'd veto anyone who wanted to get in a relationship with the boy because he'd seen how the other ones had gone (poorly).

"No comment." Q said, though he really was in favor of Kitty and Mizu's opinion. Minho acted strangely around Bea, he was the most hostile around her, it didn't make sense to him.

"I think she's got a crush." Florian said, Bea rolled her eyes and stabbed her kimchi aggressively. "Look, she even gets extra kimchi, just like him." Florian pointed out.

Bea took a deep breath in and out and held back any harsh retorts about Minho, because that would only worsen the situation for her. To be honest, she didn't know what she felt for the boy, this was just confusing her even more.

"Let's not push it." Kitty said, everyone turned towards the girl in shock, the matchmaker had spoken. Everyone asked why, except Bea of course who had refrained from speaking in order to save herself. "I made a match with my sister one time, and it did not end well, of course she found a second person and that did work out, but I feel like Minho could be your Josh." Kitty said, she looked at Bea, who was now smiling to herself.

"See." Bea said, she mouthed a thank you to Kitty.

"Well what do you think of him, it's kind of just been us speaking for you." Q continued, the others nodded and turned their attention on Bea, she sighed and thought of what to say.

"I don't know what to think." Bea said, she was mixed up now, everyone was messing with her, and now she didn't know what to think nor what to say.

"Anyways, did you guys get invited to Minho's party?" Florian asked, he could tell that things were getting uncomfortable for Bea so he opted to change the subject. Plus, the party was tomorrow.

"I'm not going, obviously." Mizu chuckled, Bea frowned and begged Mizu to go. "Plus, I have a bad feeling about this year, I'll sit this one out." Mizu continued, plus, she didn't want to hold her friend back.

"I wasn't even invited." Bea said.

"Are you sure, Minho showed the guest list and I swear you were on it." Q said, Florian nodded in agreement.

"Yeah you were pretty high up." Kitty added, she'd actually gotten a picture of it. "Look."

"Oh, I thought I had to be invited or something." Bea muttered.

"Not if you're close with Minho, then you're just expected to show up." Q stated, "What happened last night anyways?" Q continued, he was referring to both Bea and Minho's disappearance.

"We just went to get dinner, again, we literally just talked." Bea said, she was being truthful, it was only a matter of whether everyone would believe her or not.

"Again? Has this happened before?" Mizu asked, she never got dinner or talking or anything friendly.

"Yeah, he found me at work, and then he took me to dinner afterwards." Bea continued.


"We were hungry." Bea said plainly.

Q or one of the others was going to ask furthermore, but luckily Bea was saved by the bell and she could escape the prying eyes and eager friends who had been surrounding her for the past hour. It was a little overwhelming to say the least, and now Bea knew that each and every one of them would be watching Bea at the party.

The thought was unnerving to say the least, but she thought of it as a kind of challenge for herself. She just had to say away from Minho for as long as possible and shed prove them wrong.

Though of course we all know that this wasn't going to work.

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter, i wanted the party to have it's own chapter cuz there's a lot that's gonna happen 🙂

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