Part 1

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Lily pov

I was sitting in my room and listening to my favourite music. When the end came near I started singing:

Take my hands now

You are the cause of my euphoria


Close the door now

When I'm with you I'm in utopia

LILY DAVIS! I KNOW THAT YOU'RE THE LUCKY GIRL BUT IF YOU KEEP YELLING LIKE THAT THEN I WILL BURY YOU ALIVE!!! I'll dig you up when you have died there and summon your soul and force it to eat shit!


Ok I won't but please stop singing so loudly. Why do you even listen to these chinese boys?

First, they are korean, second, why do YOU listen to dad whenever he is singing?

He is my husband!

Exactly!   I wiggled my eyebrows and smirked to myself

What? ... OH NO YOU DIDN'T! You have eight soulmates waiting for you and you still want these chinese boys? Is eight not enough for you?

Leave me alone, mom.

Hey, I didn't mean to...

Just stop it.

Yes, it had been five whole years since that day and I still feel weird about the whole soulmate thing. I don't know if I even want to meet them. Like if there is nine people then how can I find a place for myself? I'm not even special...

Ok Lily get yourself together and think about all the good things about you!  

See, I'm talking to myself now. Ok so... I can run really long distances, I can sing, I'm at the top of my class with my perfect grades, but grades don't even mean anything, I can cook, I can speak english, french, korean, chinese and my own language, I can play piano...

Its so dumb! I'm useless!

I walked over to my closet, opened a secret drawer and took out my crying doll. It's my favourite doll from the time I was small. Now I just hug it every time I want to cry. I went to my bed and started crying, slowly falling asleep.

I woke up the next day to my phone buzzing. I cut the call and walked to the bathroom. In the mirror was a ghost staring at me, well that was me. I took a long shower and pulled on sweatpants and an oversised shirt. Then I walked downstairs barefoot. 

My mom was cooking pancakes in the kitchen and looked at me worriedly. I didn't talk to her, took a apple, sat at the table and started eating it. Mom sighed and said:

I'm really sorry about yesterday. I didn't mean to say it like that.

Oh you mean that I'm a slut?

No, no, honey. Look, to show you how sorry I am for bringing it up again even though its a hard topic for you I got you a concert ticket and a backstage pass to these chinese boys.

They're korean... Wait what did you just say? But their tickets are all sold out!

My dear cousin works there and he got them for you.

Thats so cool! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Wait, but their concert is the day after tomorrow!!

Yup thats why I booked you a flight and you will be staying at a hotel there for a week to give you time to explore China!

Its Korea mom!!!

Ok, ok, I know! And your flight is in four hours!

I didn't say anything but threw the apple into a trash can and ran to my room to pack. God I love my mom!

My mom drove me to the airport and after hurriedly hugging her I rushed to my exit. I was giggling and practically bouncing while going through the security, wich made an officer suspicious and he came to ask whats wrong.

Nothing is wrong, everything is good, good, good, Im going to see BTS!

I sang out happily. The officer gave me a knowing look and said that his daughter is going too and looked exactly like me before.

When I finally got to my plane seat I put my headphones on and listened to my favourite playlist happily.

No, we don't need permission to dance
Da-na-na-na-na-na-na (Hey)


Hey, its me, the author. Please let me know in the comments what you think about my work. Is it good enought so far? Should I keep writing? I hope that we can chat, if you have found my story and find it good enought to read. Gimme some feedback! 

SOULMATES but they are already perfect without meWhere stories live. Discover now