Part 5

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Cho Young pov

I was sitting and waiting for my dear soulmates to start performing. I still had a few hours until the concert would start and I decided to go and find some snacks for myself soon. 

I was deep in my thoughts, again. I was thinking about my soulmates, our soulgroup. I absentmindedly touched my soulmarks on the back of my neck. Nine roses, eight of them colored and looking alive, one like black and white, with no colors in it.

Where is our last soulmate? Is it a she or a he? How old are they? Is it a baby soulmate, like Kookie or not? How are they doing? Do they think of us as often as I do?

All these questions going around in my head, with no answers.

Suddenly I was ripped out of my thoughts, when I heard some noise. It was a girl that had fallen to the ground. I moved towards her, asking if she is okay. Then I noticed that she was crying. When she saw me she quickly hid her face from me.

I knelt down next to her and looked at her carefully, she was pretty. When I asked her, whats wrong, she sait that it's nothing. I decided to leave her alone, and not talk about that.

Then she smiled at me and said with a really quiet voice:

It's not how I wanted to meet you, Cho Young... But I always wanted to say... thank you so much for taking care of the boys. And just know that ARMY loves you


Yes the whole fandom is talking about you and how we are so lucky that someone like you is taking care of our dear boys. Oh gosh now I sound like an old woman!!

That's so cool and thank you so much, I have always been a little insecure about what ARMY thinks of me. I don't even know why I am telling you this but thank you!

I just felt like I should talk to her more, her voice sounded so beautiful and it just... And how she reassured me about ARMY, it made me very thankful, as that's a thing that I have been worried about ever since finding out that the boys are my soulmates.

Then I just asked her:

Do you want to sit with me? There is usually no other people here. And if there is, none of them are really nice and you seem so nice...

I can sit with you? Really?

Ok then thats settled then! You are going to sit with me and were going to enjoy this concert!

She looked shocked for a moment and then grinned.

I took her hand to take her to my seat when suddenly we both yelled and jumped away from each other. 

I felt the familiar pain of finding a soulmate. It didn't hurt as much as the first time, actually it gets better every time and hurts less. I looked down at my glowing body, quite calmly.

But it must've hurt her a lot more, as she fell to her knees, onto the floor. 

I wanted to go over to her, to comfort her, but suddenly she stumbled up, almost falling again. She froze for a few moments, staring scardely into nothing practically. That was weird... Then she suddenly started running, not towards me, but away from me, as if I had hurt her or something.

I shouted after her, trying to call her back. Get her near me, to touch her, to hug her, but she didn't listen and kept running.

It hurt so bad, that she was running away from me, when we had just met. I felt tears gathering into my eyes, as I tried to understand whats wrong.

I ran after her and saw her running into a bathroom. I slowed down, wanting to give her some time and walked towards her. I knew that everyone was looking at my glowing body, but I didn't care. They respected me and got out of my way as I went after my soulmate.

My whole body hurt and I just wanted it to end, but I knew that she must feel even worse. So why did she run? The pain would go away after being close to each other for a while. Why did she look so scared, as if I tried to hurt her, take something from her?

These thoughts clouded my mind as I got closer to the bathroom she went in. I opened the door and stepped in closing the door after me. And then I saw her, curled up on the floor, with some kind of pills next to her. I was scared and grabbed the pills quickly, calming a bit once I saw that these were just painkillers and only two were missing from the sheet. 

I then kneeled down next to her, thinking how should I approach her. Then an idea came, knowing that she is an ARMY.

Any thoughts?

I'll try to always post once a week but sometimes I might post more.


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