Part 10

835 35 14

Lily pov

My thoughts were interrupted by a happy korean voice:

"Hi welcome to cafe FLOWER!"

I looked towards the source of the sound. There stood a short older woman. She was wearing a cute red apron with flowers on it and a yellow dress with... you guessed it... flower pattern. She had short grey hair, brown eyes and a friendly smile that reached her eyes.

I quietly greeted her with a small bow and a smile. I wasn't hundred precent sure how  I should act, but I had seen been done like this over and over while trying to get familiar with the culture of my idols (and a few relatives but they aren't important of course). The boys greeted and were greeted like this usually too so I hoped I didn't do anything wrong. It was my first time in Korea after all.

She bowed too, seeing me do so and then calmly walked closer. "Can I help you?" she asked, "Do you speak Korean?" she talked slowly to make sure I could understand.

I smiled softly before answering her in korean: "Yes, I speak Korean almost fluently."

"Oh do you live in Korea?" she asked curiously.

"No, I'm actually here for the first time in my life," I explained. 

"Really? I hope you have had a great time here! Please come on in!" she gestured me to step ahead from the door and hurried behind the counter.

I stepped  closer too and saw many different pastries, cookies, cakes, all kinds of food there. I felt hungry again looking at them. 

I stood there looking at the menu on the wall for a minute trying to decide what to get. Finally I just went for hot chocolate because its always good no matter what happens and I could really use something sweet right now to try calming my heart.

She smiled at me from behind the counter when I asked for it and then asked if I wanted anything else.

I looked at all the stuff behind the glass and said: "I do want something but theres just so much stuff and everything looks so good, could you recommend something?" 

"Well the chocolate cake with cherries is very popular and these cinnamon rolls, and the croissants with cheese and ham, the cheesecake is also very good," she told me pointing to different dishes.

I thought for a bit and then decided: "Then... I would like to have a croissant and a chocolate cake please"

She nodded while typing it in the computer. I paid and went to choose a table. I chose one in a corner that was next to a window and had two really comfortable chairs. I sat down with a sigh and leaned back on the chair. It was so nice to just relax. I took out the letter for Cho and just looked at it, tracing the rose on it with my fingers. 

My thoughts were again interrupted by the old lady who stepped closer and placed my food on the table. I put the letter away and looked at her with a smile: "Thank you...?" She smiled and answered my silent question: "Rosie, you can call me Rosie."

"Oh thank you Rosie, I'm Lily."

"You've got a flower name? Does your mom like flowers?" She asked curiously while sitting down at the table. I smiled again, because I really just wanted to talk to someone who didn't pressure me or make me feel guilty. "Yes she really loves them. I assume that your mother too?" She laughed softly: "She did, she really did. A flower cafe was always her dream and... I ... fulfilled it for her. She passed away when she was quite young, I was barely an adult at the time..." She trailed off staring into space for a moment, then she softly shook her head and continued talking: "But now I'm happy and have many grandchildren and I believe that she's happy too... You know..., she actually had eyes almost like yours, blue, deep like ocean, thats probably why I'm talking to you like that... because you reminded me of her, Lily."

She then suddenly shook her head again and said: "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have started just talking like that I think I should go and mind my own business."

I immediately shook my head: "No, No its okay, I actually really needed someone to just talk to, someone who would talk to me calmly. There's just some problems in my life at the moment so... See, I'm talking too much too, well..."

She just started laughing and I soon joined her, so we were both just a giggling mess. When we calmed down she wiped her eyes and looked at me fondly: "You know, I havent laughed like that in a long time..." I answered her after thinking a bit: "You know... me neither." She just silently looked at me after that and then stood up to hug me tightly. I gently put my arms around her and after a few moments I started crying softly. I don't know what got into me, because I never cry in front of other people, but I somehow felt so safe when she hugged me that I just let it go.

When I stopped crying she gently rubbed my back and pulled away. Only then did I notice that she had been crying as well. We both wiped our eyes and she made herself a hot chocolate too. Then we sat at the table and quietly ate.

"Lily, you know... if you ever need help or consolation, you can always come to me. I'll stay right here in this cafe so whenever you want, you can come here," she spoke looking straight into my eyes with her dark brown ones.

I whispered her a thank you.

After taking the last sip of my drink I stood up, taking my bag. "Rosie," I asked quietly, "do you know Cho Young?"

"Oh yeah, Cho has been coming here every now and then for years, is there something wrong?" She answered, getting worried. I immediately told her: "No, everything is alright, I'm just wondering if you could give her something from me next time she comes here?" She aswered quickly: "Of course, what is it?"

I carefully took out the letter from my bag and handed it to her. She took it even more carefully and promised me to give it to her. 

That done I bid her goodbye and left the cafe.

Well... what do you think? 

I honestly don't know why I made a chapter like this... but I guess my half asleep brain thought that this is a good idea to write... It will probably come up again later but I thought why not make Lily have someone that could support her just in case. She might really need it. *Evil laughter* I need some drraaammaaaaaa!

Ayway I hope you liked it and will keep supporting me.

But... now that I have a little bit more readers than before... I'm gonna say it again like I did earlier... if anyone gets good ideas for nicknames that the characters in the story would use for each other then please comment. I do have an idea about what I'm gonna use but if anyone suggests something even better then...

💜 💜 💜 

SOULMATES but they are already perfect without meKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat