Part 13

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Cho Young pov

She left. She actually left. She left me just a few hours after our first meeting.

I found my soulmate, the one I have been dreaming about meeting for a long time, it was my biggest wish. And she just left me. 

I know that this hurt her, she has been hurt before, I could see it in her eyes, when she looked at me. She looked so scared. 

And then she calmed down. She talked to me, she giggled with me. She seemed so happy. Her laughter is still stuck with me. Still ringing in my ears. I'm in love, already. But she's so cute that i can't really help it. We were meant to be together anyway. Why wouldn't I love her. She is so loveable. So cute, so pretty.

And then it was over. Just like that. Just when I thought that everything is finally alright. She said that she couldn't do it. I was crying, it hurt so bad. She was crying too. We both just stood there, crying. She made sure that no one can contact her. That I can't contact her in any way.

I gave her the address to Rosies cafe. She can come and find me when she is ready, IF she will ever be ready. I will keep waiting for her.

I get back to reality when I hear the sound of someone opening the door. The boys are home! I quickly scramble out of the bed and start hiding the evidence of crying for hours. First I make the bed and hide the pillow that is wet from all the tears, then I put on some cheerful music and throw away the tissues that were laying all over the bed. Lastly I grab some clean clothes and run to the bathroom, locking the door. I get into the shower and begin humming along to the music.

And as expected I hear someone coming into my room after knocking quietly. And then I hear whining:


"What, Tae?"

"Jimin is being mean to me and I need cuddles!"

"I'm showering right now..."


Thankfully Joonie comes to my rescue and takes him away, talking about something like respecting peoples privacy, and to not bother me right now. They leave my room.

I sigh. I don't really want to hide this from them, but I don't have a choice. I have to respect Lilys choices and I completely understand her. We both know that this would hurt them and it's better this way right now.

I stopped crying and made sure no one could see traces of crying on my face. I got dressed in my RJ pajamas since its quite late already and left the bathroom after drying my hair.

I go to the kitchen to see Jin cooking something again. I slowly approach him and then hug him from behind. I rest my cheek on his back and sigh quietly. He softly places his hand on mine. We just stand there like this for a while. It feels nice.

After some time has passed, he takes both my hands in his and turns around, facing me. I smile tiredly and he answers the same way. We're both tired and we don't need to say anything to understand each other right now. He gives me a light kiss, before continuing cooking. I make us coffe and start helping him. 

By the time the food is ready we have both finished our coffes and our moods are a bit lighter. 

"Children!" he yells

"The food is ready!" I continue

Theres a moment of silence before the maknae line with hobi rush towards us and barge into the kitchen. 

"What did you make?"

"We decided to make pasta this time." Jin answers him

They nod in approval, except for Tae who has glued himself to my side and is too busy burying his face into my hair to notice anything around him. I let him stay like this for a bit and then push him away. He's immediately pouting and looks ready to cry, but that disappears after a peck on his cheek.

Joonie and Yoongi appear soon and we all proceed to eat.

I really want to cry right now but I can't do it in front of them. They might get worried and its not good for them. So I just eat as if nothing has happened.

Everyone is quite tired so we don't really talk. After eating we just wash the dishes, wish each other good night and leave for our rooms to get some rest.

When I get to my room I go to the bathroom first to brush my teeth. And then straight to bed. I start crying again under the blankets, thinking what it would be like to have dinner with my little Lily. And how much I wanna be with her. At least talk to her. But I can't.

I just cry until there are no tears left anymore and then slowly drift to sleep.

Well here's an update. Sorry for taking so long. Im so busy lately-

My schedule for now: study, work, eat, sleep, repeat, and sprinkle in some BTS memes for good measure. 

But like the saying goes: If life gives you lemons, trade them for a BTS album. (or was it about lemonade? nah... this is better) So I'll keep on working and hoping.

Anyway I hope youre all doing well and if you like my story then please vote and/or comment.

💜 💜 💜 💜 💜 💜💜 

SOULMATES but they are already perfect without meWhere stories live. Discover now