Part 20

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I'm on call with Andela and Zina trying to pick an outfit for my date today. I'm really excited and nervous. I have no idea what Blake is planning and I'm scared.

"WEAR YOUR NEW SPRING DRESS!" Zina screams through the phone. I go through my closet trying to find it. I find it barrier underneath my clothes. "FOUND IT!"

"YES PUT IT ON!" Andela yells

Once I put it on both andela and zina both tell me to wear on my date. I quickly do my makeup and hair.

"Okay girls I have to go call Noah and let him know I won't be home for awhile." I say goodbye to my friends and call Noah. Both Noah and Luca are out today.

"Hey Amira what's up?" Noah's voice says through the phone

"I wanted to let you know I'm going on a date and I'll be home a little late."

There's a little pause before he speaks again. "Okay but you're being safe right? Don't do anything. You hear me? Or Blake's done for."

I laugh. "Yes I know. None of that."

"Okay have fun I love you."

"I love you too." I hang up and begin walking downstairs towards the door. I look outside and I see Blake's car pull into the driveway. He drove a truck today. Not his usual car...

I put on my shoes and walk outside. I smile when I see him get out of his car. "Why the car change?"

He smiles and opens the door for me. "You'll see."

I try to get in but fail trying. Blake tries to help but I flip his hand away. "I've got this." Blake stands back it watches me struggle.

"You sure?" I glare at him. "I've done this many times I got this down." After many failed attempts I eventually got it.

"HAHA I GOT IT!" Blake's smirks and buckles my seatbelt for me. His hand lightly brushes my thigh. "Yea took you 15 try's."

He smirks and closing the door and walking to the drivers seat. I turn to look at him as he starts the car. "So where are we going."

"Be patient." He pulls out of the driveway and begins driving.

"I cant do that." He looks at me and then brings his hand down to my thigh. "Yes you can." I stand still for a second. I'm never gonna get used to this.

He hands me his phone "play whatever songs you want." I smirk and begin playing music. After a couple songs play, Blake slowly begins rubbing his thumb against my thigh. I get instant butterflies in my stomach.

I look towards him and his eyes are focused on the road. I wonder where we're going. "Can you give me a hint?" He glances at me and smiles.

"No." I whine and rest my head against the car seat. "I hate this."

He moves his hand higher up my thigh. "No you don't."

"I don't." I laugh and begin singing to the songs playing while Blake drives with his hand on my upper thigh.

Just so you guys know, the reason why I don't post everything is because of all the school work I have 😭 I write whenever I have time. I have about 3 weeks of school left so I'm being rushed to finish everything before then. But I got time today so here's a chapter! I might post one later tonight but if I don't I'll try tomorrow! I don't really have a schedule to posting I just post whenever I have time, I hope you understand 🫶

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