Part 23

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I looked back at my other chapter and I realized I had a lot of grammar mistakes 😭😭 I AM SO SORRY! I write really fast and then don't reread it 😵‍💫😵‍💫 MY BAD! IF U SEE A MISTAKE IGNORE IT OR LMK SO I CAN FIX IT AHAHHA! SORRY FOR THAT. Someone pointed out that I put Andelas name instead of Amiras during the scene where she was wearing his sweater. SO WHOEVER SAID THAT THANK U! I WENT BACK AND FIXED IT <3


I'm at school in gym class and I'm sitting with Andela, Zina, Blake, Emiliano, and Esad under a big tree.

"Ugh I'm not in the mood for gym today!" Zina yells laying down. She just finished running around the track. Emiliano grabs his water bottle and sprays her.

"U IDIOT!" Zina gets up and chases Emiliano around the yard. "STOP YOU KNOW IT WAS REFRESHING I DID U A FAVOUR!"

I laugh watching them. Zina eventually gives up and sits back down beside us.

Emiliano gets here too, but when he does Zina grabs the water bottle and dumps the rest on his head.

We all start laughing. I haven't laughed this hard in so long. I turn to face Blake after awhile and he's just watching me. "What?"

"You're pretty when you laugh." I blush

"So she's not pretty all the time? Wow" andela says sarcastically with her head on Esads lap.

Blake's grabs me and lifts me onto his lap. I stare at him. "You have nice eyes." I say looking into them.

He grabs my face and he begins to lean in when Kara walks up to us. I sigh and roll my eyed.

"Your turn to run." She gives me a death stare and I sigh getting up. As I walk away I hear Blake tell Kara to F off. I smile as I walk to the track.

I begin running and soon finish my lap. I go back to the tree and lay down. "Emiliano I need that water you sprayed on Zina."

Emiliano smirks and is about to spray me when Blake glares at him "don't even try."

Emiliano looks at me. "Get your big man to do it." He throws the water bottle at Blake and I laugh and take it from him. I open the bottle and dump it on my head.

I look at blake and laugh. "Not a chance."

He gets up to chance me but I tackle him instead. But of course that doesn't do anything and he grabs me and lifts onto his shoulder.

The gym teacher blows his whistle and we begin walking up to him. "BLAKE LET ME DOWN."

"Mmmm not a chance."


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