Part 38

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It's been a week since Blake told me he loved me. HE LOVES ME.

Of course I cried about it. No guy has ever treated me the way Blake does. He's perfect.

I wanted to tell him the same thing but I don't know what stopped me. I guess I just want to know for sure that I love him.. idk what it feels like to be in love with someone.

"Good morning." Blake groans and puts his head deeper into my chest. "Ow Blake I'm gonna die."

"Shh." He kisses my chest and pulls the Blanket up higher and cuddles me.

Last night I was over at his house for hours. Noah wanted me back home for dinner and Blake decided to come along.

Unfortunately the door has to stay half open. Which is annoying because I hate sleeping with it open. I like it closed.

"We have to get up." I play with his hair.

"No we don't." He puts his hand under my shirt and rub's circles against my stomach.

I give in and sigh. I guess we'll be laying here longer.

My phone rings and I go to pick it up but Blake stops me.

"Blake it's probably Zina of Andela I need to answer." He groans again and let's go of my phone.

I look and it's Andela. I answer it.


"HEYY! do you wanna come over today? Zina and I want to hang out." Andela says

"Yes I would love to, what time?"

"Whenever. I don't really care when you come, just show up." We both laugh.

"Okay I'll see you later then."

"Bye Amira!"

"BYE!" I hang up and continue playing with Blake's hair.

Time skip: (at Andelas house)

We're hanging out in Andelas movie room with a bunch of snacks and Blankets.

"Guys.." I begin to change the subject of conversation after it went quiet. "I need to ask you something." Maybe they can help me.

"What is it?" Zina puts popcorn into her mouth.

"How do you know when you love someone?"

"Well you come me don't you?" Andela says. I laugh. "Yes but I mean like... a guy."

"AWWHH! YOU LOVE BLAKE!" She gets up and starts dancing.

"ZINA I DONT KNOW IF I DO!" I cover my face from embarrassment.

"It's all so confusing. He said he loved me last week..."

Andelas mouth dropped and Zina screams.

"AND YOURE TELLING US THIS NOW?" Zina screams sitting back down.

"I'm sorry I've just been thinking ever since."

"If you truly love him you would just know." Andela takes my hand into hers.

"You care about him right?" She asks. I nod.

"And when he shows any pain do you ever just want to take it away because you can't bare the sight of him hurt?" I haven't really seen him hurt but if he was I would hate it. I nod.

"Do you miss him constantly?"

"Always." I do. I miss him right now.

"Can you see a future with him?" She squeezes my hand.

I do. I cant see anyone with me but him. Im not sure what I would do without him. He is all I ever wanted. And who I only want.

I nod. Andela and Zina smirk and glance at each other.

"You just answered your own question Amira." Zina smiles.

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