Part 36

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I'm getting a lot of ideas for another story so this one will be ending soon :( I'm not exactly when but I'm trying to finish it off. If you want any specific scenes feel free to request some! I'm open to new ideas :) here's another chapter!


After the dinner I had with Blake he invited me over. The dinner at my house went great and my brothers actually like him.

Im currently on my way to his house.

"You nervous?" Noah grins in the drivers seat.

I role my eyes. "No.... Yes.. I don't know."

Noah laughs. "It's okay to be nervous. I remember when I first met Lilahs parents."

"How did that go?" I turned to look at him.

"I split water all over the table." We both laugh.

"Of course you did."

"What's that supposed to mean." He turned his head and glared at me.

"All I'm saying is that if anything happens you'll be fine. It can't get that bad. Plus I trust him. But I swear if he EVER does anything im going to beat him up."

I smile. He trusts Blake.

"Now. Put on your pretty smile and be yourself." He parks the car infront of Blake's house. "Dad would be proud."

I smile and hug him before I get out of the car.

I begin walking and someone opens the door before I can ring the doorbell. "SHES PRETTY!" I look down to see a little boy. Maybe 10 years old? 11? 12? Not really sure. I laugh when I hear Blake.

"I KNOW LUCAS." He comes up behind him and smiles at me.

"You gotta let her in Buddy." He looks down at his brother.

"Oh yea sorry." He moves out of the way and lets me in.

I turn around to wave Noah goodbye. He drives away once I'm inside the house.

"Welcome sweetie!" I pretty woman with Brown straight hair comes to the front door and pulls be into a hug.

"Amira this is my mom" I pull back from the hug

"It's so nice to finally meet you." I say to her before she heads back to the kitchen.

"Dinners almost done you guys can have a seat in the living room. "

"OKAY MOM!" Blakes brother jumps onto the biggest couch and lays down.

I laugh. "Mind if I have some room to sit?" I look down at him.

"Hmm you can sit on Blake's lap over there." He points to the single Couch Blake's sitting on.

I give him a shocked look and he shrugs opening his arms.

I walk up to him and look down. "Really? I'm not going to sit on your lap right now."

He looks up confused. "Why not?"

"Because I'm at your house for the first time meeting your family. It's not polite to sit on your lap."

He chuckles and pulls me into his lap anyways. "BLAKE!" I whisper yell hitting is arm.

He laughs again but this time louder. I finally escaped from his grasp and walk to the kitchen to where his mom is cooking.

If I can't sit I'll just go help his mom. That's polite.

"Hey sweetie what are you doing? Go sit with Blake."

I smile "I wanted to ask if you needed any help."

She stops cutting and looks up to look at me. "You're too nice. But it would also be wonderful to have an extra set of hands."

I laugh and walk to the sink to wash my hands.

Blake's mom gives me the knife and I being cutting vegetables for the salad.

Blake walks in and leans against the wall smirking.

"You already put her to work?" His mom hits him with a towel. "She offered to help and I could use a set of hand's because YOU mister don't help your poor old mom."

I laugh and glare at him. "How dare you not help."

His mom laughs. "I like her already."

I smiled at that.

Once I finished cutting the vegetables Blake's mom told me she had it from there and told me to go back with Blake.

I walked into the living room and say Blake reading a story to his younger sister who I've already met. At the park.

When I walk in I sit on the big couch that Lucas finally left open. I look over to see Katie's eyes on my instead of the book. I cant help but smile. She was seriously the cutest child I have ever seen.

Blake stopped reading and looked up. He smiled and whispered something into Katie's ear. She smiled and waved. I couldn't help it. She's too cute.

I waved back. "What are you two reading?"

Katie jumped off Blake's Lap and walked up to me holding the book. "Ouu my little Pony?"

"Yes! Do you like little pony?" She tries to get into the couch beside me so I help her on.

"Yes I love it!" She giggles and lays down on my lap.

I move her hair so it's out of her face. I look up at blake and my eyes begin to water. She was so cute I couldn't handle it. I'm a softie when it comes to children.

Blake laughs and comes up to us tickling his little sister. "You're making my girlfriend cry you little tomato." He says with laughter

He soon starts tickling me too. I get up with Katie in my arms and begin running away. "KATIE WE HAVE TO HIDE HES GOING TO GET US!"

"AAHHH! BEHIND MOM!" She yells and I run to the kitchen. But before I could get there blake picks us both up and runs to the couch dropping us there.

I let go of Katie and she starts laughing. I look up at Blake and hug him. "She's adorable." I let go and watch Katie grab a Barbie from the table and run away. I laugh.

"She already loves you." He looks down to my lips and kisses me.

He had such a gentle touch I can never forget. I can't believe I found him just now. Where was he when I needed him the most. I cant go a day without thinking about him. I've only known him for a couple of months but it feels like I've known him my whole life. I'm glad I'm finally meeting his parents. I hope to be here more often.

I feel something rub at my legs and I look down. I look down and see the cutest Blake cat I've seen in my life.

I get down to my knees and look at her. Of course my eyes water again. What is happening today? I'm crying about everything!

Blake kneels down beside me. "This is midnight."

Blake gently moves my chin up. "Don't cry." He laughs. "What's wrong you keep getting teary eyed."

I laugh again. "I don't know." I really didn't. I guess I'm just emotional today.

I hear the main door open so I turn around. I see a tall man that looks like he could be Blake's Dad. Blake grabs my hand and lifts me up.

"Hey dad this is Amira." He walk up to him and he walks up to us.

"So you're the girl my boy loves so much." He gives me his hand to shake.

Did he say love? "Nice to meet you too" I smile

"Is dinner done yet I'm hungry!" He asks

"YES GIVE ME A MINUTE!" Blake's mom yells back and everyone laughs.

"I'm excited to get to know you Amira let's get to the kitchen!"

We all begin walking to the kitchen.


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