Part 34

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I woke up today feeling much better. Last night was rough. I made sure to call Zina and Andela in the morning to tell them I was doing okay. With Blake begin by my side all day has made me feel way more comfortable.

He made me breakfast and ordered pizza for dinner. We stayed in my room and watched movies all day. He did a lot for me and I really appreciate it. Without him I'm not sure what I would've done.

I sit on my waiting for him to bring up some popcorn. "I got some candy too!" He throws bags of candy on my head and sits beside me. I just look at him and smile. I think I'm falling in love with him.

"Do I have something on my face?" I laugh. Yea let me get it. I lean down and pull my lips to his. He smirks. "Good one." He lays down and presses play on the movie.

After about 20 minutes I move the candy and popcorn and lay on-top of him. He grabs my waist and hugs me, letting me stay there.

"How are you feeling?" I lift my head to look into his eyes.

"Way better." I place a kiss on his lips and lay back down.

"Thank you." I whisper into his chest.

He places a kiss on my head.




Its been a week since the beach party and I'm doing so much better. It's now summer so I've had plenty of time to hang out with my friends and distract myself from what happened.

Noah and Luca are back and everyone is okay. Tonight Blake is coming over for dinner. Noah insisted I invite him because he's now my boyfriend.

"Should I wear a suit? What should I bring? And how should I act? Myself?" I laugh at Blake through the phone. He's been pretty nervous about having dinner with my family even though he's met them before. I lay down on the couch in the living room.

"Blake wear whatever you want you've been over multiple times whats so different?"

"Everything." I laugh again.

"Hey don't laugh until you're in my position. Just wait until I invite you over for dinner." I totally forgot I haven't met his family yet. I go quiet.

How did that slip my mind? I've been so caught up in my own mess I've forgotten about Blake's family.

"Omg- Blake. I totally forgot about meeting your family. I'm so sorry." I sit up in the couch.

Blake laughs. "Amira it's okay whenever you're ready you can come over."

"When's a good time?" I ask

"Literally whenever. Amira you're my girlfriend. My house is your house now." I smile.

"What are you smiling about?" Luca walks into the living room and lays beside me putting his feet in my lap.

"And what are you doing putting your feet on my legs." I glare at him

"Is that your brother?" Blake says from the other side of the phone.

"Yes" I sigh.

"Get off the phone and go do something with your life." Luca glares at me back.

"Oh shut up." I get up and walk to the other couch.

"Mira I'm going to go shower I'll see you later okay?"

"Okay, bye I'll see you later!" I hang up and walk up to my room to get ready.

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