Chapter nineteen

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Jessamyn's pov

Winter break was over which mean we had to go back to uni not only did I have to leave the comfort of my warm bed, my family and my dog fluffy my comfort pet now I was back on campus ready to dominated the world of figure skating finally having my own main character energy the dramatic change of fierceness in my confident era as I answered my friends million questions on how was my thanksgiving dinner at the Beckett family household I didn't want to mention anything about how rude his dad was not only to his fiance, his sons or me however, I told them it went fine silently smiling to myself for one reason particularly that we kissed at the end of the night once the girls saw my smile it caused multiple reactions out of them squealing, shocked, excited and many other joyous emotions as I was doing a quiz in a magazine that describing which animal I was then while I figure out that I was an panda or a different animals at the end of the quiz.

Optional creative arts class was the first period in the morning at ten thirty am at the meantime, we were all sitting the common room as Natiala played the piano singing Love on the brain by Rihanna when the majority of the hockey team walked on by except for Asher who was still in the coach's office discussing the day that he could get off the bench to joined his team during practices although, I couldn't help it sometimes but felt as something wrong was going to happened today wondering if it was me like was in all inside my head could I been possibly overthinking it or whatever it was this make and break us.

"I couldn't help but to think Rochelle and i did slightly predict you guys finally being together." said Avena excitedly.

We weren't going to forget to set up Avena and Wyatt together in a couple of weeks, It would be valentines Day soon yet to come. I might not be a cupid but I had watched a dozen of romances or rom-com movies with my mum in the winter break having our Friyay eating popcorn and drinking apple juice in a champagne glasses because only the most amazing fabulous chic girls read books or drink any juice in the a champagne glasses in her words according to my mum we were one of those girls living our best lives also no I wasn't a daddy girl at all. I was a mummy and Asher Beckett was the hockey captain girl if it wasn't for them including my little sister as well as my roommate who was my closest friend in college Rochelle along with all my friends then I wouldn't have the courage to get back on the ice again.

As I looked up at the clock on the wall, I noticed that it was time to attend Natiala and my art class this time we were doing water painting on a blank canvas which mean that my incredible friend who always hyped me up Natiala was going to be happy not to see Holden in this classroom so we walked the classroom door waiting for our art teacher to opened the door while we continued to talked to our friends for the time being trying to get rid of this horrible feeling i felt in my guts ignoring it for now when i see the teacher out of the corners of my eyes walking over in our direction in a hurry being one of those lay back teachers until someone get on her nerves. The r-evaluation of my progress had been made during the holiday by my doctors and therapist as my phone started to ping as I got a text message from my mum. Nonetheless, the teacher had asked everyone else in the class to come in.

"Don't worry the valentine masquerade party is coming up so hopefully you and Wyatt will end up together." I told Avena.

Quickly, Avena, Natiala and I say see you later to each other before the two of us entered the classroom soon as we sat in our seat the art teacher played some classical music telling us how classic music would be good for our levels of concentration to focus more on our works then we were told to painted where we see ourselves in the future in five year time even if it might be a far-fetched dream like winning a competition that was similar to the Olympics I painted a gold medal on me dressed in my figure skater outfit holding a specific hockey players hand in the background when i was sat here in my chair filled of anticipation for two reasons the first one was the news about on my re-evaluation progressed and the second was I wanted to hear his good possible news eventually, the lesson end with our teacher dismissed us during clearing up for her next class today.

I hurried out of class departing to the ice rink when I spotted his dad near the cafe looking like he was waiting for someone not knowing if he was waiting for Asher his son hoping he doesn't see me as rushed past him until he called my name the next thing I did was turned around slowly plastered a fake bright smile on my face walking into Java cafe with him and we sat at table I ordered a raspberry and white chocolate muffin added a fruit smoothie to it. I paused my music playlist to hear what he was going to say sometimes I did often wonder why did I have the worst of luck not regretting the words that said to him at his house on Thanksgiving because all of it was true like he doesn't give his son enough credit for what an incredibly brilliant and talented athlete's Asher was.

"Jessamyn, do you care about my son Asher right?"Mr Beckett, Asher's dad asked me.

A slight nodded with an exhale of exhaustion absolutely dredging where this conservation was going and I responded "yes, of course, I care about your son Asher and by the way he is such an incredible person with an amazing talent."

The barista gave me my order feeling the awkwardness around us during this discussion as she left to attend to more customers whereas I sat here listening to all the words his dad said about him, I even noticed the fainted chuckled at my words remaining me of his son accident almost like he was blaming it on me telling me all the stats dictated me although, I doubted that he ever cared about Asher. Therefore, I sat there drinking my raspberries smoothie making me realized how I cared about Asher a lot feeling like a should defend him even when he wasn't there without him picking me up from every fall not even caring about his reputation, his wealth or his family fame and he skated right through my heart being my anchor to safely pulled me to the shore now his dad was threatened to break the ice caused me to be trapped in the icy water.

"I'm glad that you feel that but if you really cared about him like you say you do," his dad icy glared staring right into my eyes and then his dad said, "I had noticed that he had been off his game lately and distracted too."

Why did I feel like there was someone playing with my heart as it hurt so much? A heart break that was yet to come pulling back all the breaks!

"Like what do you mean?"I asked sadly to his dad.

"What I meant is that I feel like you're the reason why my son is distracted keeping him from achieving all his goals, you might've distracted him that day he had gotten hurt and if you don't end whatever your relationship with my son then I would completely cut him off financially." His dad explained deadly serious things to me.

Truly, I never hated someone so much in all my life than his dad and besides he might hate me for his father changing his will nevertheless, I rather live with him getting everything that he needs and want even if a broken heart was added to it because who was I to stop him from being happy while I learned that life was unfair not knowing how long this pain would heal for. Maybe his dad was right. I might be the reason why he was so distracted lately so it had become now my responsibility to do what was necessary in his dad's eyes to make sure that I don't get in the way of his success by doing the least selfish thing ever which was breaking up with Asher.

"You can't do that to him."

"So, I'm glad that we have finally come to the same conclusion as each other and please think about the consequences if you don't end it."

Afterwards, I left the cafe ignoring all of my messages and phone calls heading to the ice rink to escape my head to figure skate when that didn't work I did the second most effective option which was going to the bookstore to pick out many books that I could find to read in this most difficult time of the first minutes thinking how to break it to him gently not being strong enough to do it face to face with him this means that breaking up over text was the only solution. Oh gosh, I don't think I can do it!

Tears started falling out of my eyes rolling down my face listening to a heartbreak playlist on my headphone on my way back to campus walking up the stairs in the accommodations building knocking on Rochelle and my shared kitchen to open up a fridge to get an ice tub of pint-size Ben & Jerry's ice cream and then immediately after she saw me crying she ran to give me a hug which resulted in us both eating a pints size of ice creams utterly understanding that I don't want to talk about for now. She just sat there on my bed watching a bunch of movies with me then she texted all of the girls to come to our room to have a marathon of movies and binge-eat ice creams too.

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