Chapter twenty one

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Asher pov

Three weeks later, I had still tried calling her phone number but she wouldn't pick up her phone as I even tried to talked to her friends to get them to explained why she had been avoiding me and all of them told me to just give her some space except for Rochelle. Her roommate say that she doesn't want to talked to me as my worried started to grow tremendously huge had left me wondering what had i done wrong? because the last time that i had saw her, she had looked very happy after thanksgiving dinner at my house. We kissed then the week after the holidays she had been avoiding me too. I had gotten dumped by her two weeks ago on text.

During hockey practices i had kept on thinking about her as much as i had tried to stay more focus on the sports also she had changed her pair skating partner to her roommate including friend Rochelle at the last minute. Although, i would always tried to find ways to support her in her routine at the ice rinks for example, i hidden my identity as a shark mascot last thursday cheering her on like a fanboy not to mentioned that i had my team to warned all the campus boys to stay away from her. As i went to pay a little visit to her old skating partner before me and her ex-boyfriend never to go near my Jessasnym flower again or i might just break every bone in their bodies.

In the back of my mind we were still together and it had always been her. I worked on a plan to get her back in my free time putting all of my effort into making her love me again.

"Boys, good work and go hit the shower will you!"yelled our hockey coach.

My team and I walked into the locker room getting changed or taking a shower hearing some of the boys talked about our next opponent's rival team. However, she was all I could think about at this moment and I'll wait for her every morning or night. If she ever wants to fall in love, if she ever wants to bet on us, if she ever wants to be my one  then I'll be waiting.

"Mason and Wyatt,  I've got a plan but first I might need your help to do it."

I know she was a fan of 1975 and Arctic Monkeys in case anything goes wrong. I was going to get her choreographer to choreo our routine to the song called I Wanna be yours with my best boys on the hockey team because i planned on wowing her or making her heart swoon for me going the extra mile that I was pretty sure that she can't say no to figure skating out my heart even though i had to convince the boys to make a banner for her since you know that saying go big or go home especially when i was forever undone by Jessasmyn Burke laughs, smiles, her skating routine every single time that i had watched in the rink performance whenever she thinks no one else was at five am in the morning during the sun setting outside glowing on her perfect tan skin and i was no fan of sharing too.

Moreover, I was fully aware that she changed her seat in the classroom purposely to not come in contact with me at all. Moving on to another topic, i was drafting out an ideas on the playout whiteboard to all of my teammates who were very supportive of my plans as they kept on adding their on inputs on the dance though some may say that i might have went above and beyond for her because that how special she was to me then i must admit that i was hurting for something that i didn't do even though my dad was really grilling her, i stood up for her after driving her back to her house i drove back to mine to tell off my dad for all the things he says to her knowing she didn't need to hear what my dad thinks of her.

"Let's guess you want our help to win her back." said Mason.

Everything i was planning right now, i was doing it all for us never going giving on us as she had stole my heart in the palm of her hands leaving me not wanting it back since it was always her and i would continuously keep trying to get her back gaining her heart.

Therefore, i would search for the reason why she had given up on us even if she did deserve better than me but that doesn't mean that i was going to given up on her. We could fix us especially when my heart was still utterly, irretrievably and completely in love with her. She brings out the best of me, making me change every single rule that I had for her was worth it in every way it was.
How can I give my entire universe the world when she was at the center of my universe?

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