Chapter twenty-three

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Hockey season was going pretty great considering the fact that my lucky charm Burkey still didn't want to talk to me, nor did she ever explain the reason why she had dumped me in my opinion we were taking a break from each other which means that we weren't seeing other people but just needed our space as a couple to figure things out. I worked on myself for her, made a rule for her, a seven-step plan for her as well as turned up to all her rehearsals just to see her shine as bright as the brightest of stars too.

In the meantime, we were all rehearsing for the big games as the coach told Fletcher and Wyatt to stop mucking around the rink and then some of the members of my team were asking where she was because she was here with us at the start of those games so we all wanted to her to be there for us in the end as well. I sent every single member of my hockey team to go watch her rehearsals including I went to her figure skating coach in person to try to learn all of the routines soon I was getting the hang of it.

"Asher!"she practically yells out my name.

All of my teammates had stopped playing hockey as my coach looked towards me shaking his head while muttering under his breath what stupid things he must have been assuming that I have done to her which surprisingly I didn't do anything intentionally bad to her even if my coach didn't have any faith in me. On the other hand, here she was standing looking incredibly beautiful with her natural curly brunette hair behind her ears as she glared at me with her piercing dark brown orbs peering right into my eyes in anger making her look more exceptionally attractive than ever. I was falling more undeniably in love with her with every single second of the time she had spent here smiling like the biggest goofy idiot whenever I was around her.

"Yes, my blossom?" I asked her in bewilderment.

She didn't care if anyone else was watching the two of us as she skated right up to me not amused by me and she exhaled angrily at me "why would you do such a thing? Like make an off-hand campus rule and then threaten the whole male student population with consequences of violence if they break it?"she asked me.

I stood there for hours admiring her beauty even though she had clearly had some resentment in her fire eyes had darkened as she had tried to even comprehend why would I ever make the rule that stops other boys to not touch what wasn't even there.

Therefore, I was a very greedy person when it came to her because I didn't love sharing such a beautiful, highly talented figure skater and very intelligent woman like herself. You could call me selfish but I did it for so many reasons because we were a very compatible couple and there was no one else who had captured my attention as much as she did something cute.

Nowadays, i think everyone has that something or charm that gives them good luck that was based on some superstitions which means they couldn't go without doing their routine and rituals but better yet I always had known as well as had this magical feeling whenever I was with her.

She would be my good luck charm like the resolution to all my problems, worries, doubts, sadness and all of my negative feeling because I didn't need to prove myself to her like I had been doing my whole entire to my dad, hockey sports recruiters and teams to uphold such greatness of being a legacy in a theory of my own that it could be statistically proven that legacy can be made instead of being born all of the time.

"You look amazingly, pucking, gorgeous today especially when you're angry. Did you know that blossom?" I smiled and responded back to her.

On a warpath, she was full of wrath that I made sure that nobody else could ever have her and all the other boys should stay away from her even though the truth was she was too good for any of us to date nonetheless she made my heart rate speed up the process whenever she was in my arms or next to me. She saw me for who I was when no one else was a real trooper for never giving up even when her heart was on the line.

Why can't she see how crazy I was about her?

"Are you even listening to me, Asher?" she asked me with fury in her eyes.

Not now and not ever would I give up on us. Everything in the world was extremely easy, brighter and lighter when she was with me because the weight on my shoulders had been lifted which made me feel like I could breathe for the first time. I wasn't myself without her by my side, I felt slightly shaky, exhausted, and couldn't breathe and she was a very good part of me that made all these pressures begin to feel more bearable too.

Nobody else could easily make me feel this way before except for her. My lucky charm was a complete game-changer for me knowing that I both desire and need her. It feels normal and completely natural to me.

"I did it for us because I know that you still feel the same way as I feel about you deep down and it will be a real shame if you decide to throw our relationship away," I explained to her.

Coach Jensen blew his whistle impatiently and wanted to carry on with the hockey practice that had been interrupted by Jessamyn, my girlfriend whose heads immediately turned around to face the source of the noise, very furious at me.

"Young lady, I'm sorry for whatever reason why you are here or if one of my players offended you but I think you should sort it out in your own time." coach Jensen told her.

Completely ignore her angry remarks when I know what she was dealing with in her head so I place her hand on my heart to let her feel what I was feeling as my heart continuously beats for her and I definitely know that she still felt like that even if I could feel her holding back from me. In this deafening silence, she mouthed an apology to my coach until she walked away from me after she looked very conflicted with herself as I was willing to wait until she realized how great we were for each other.

And then hockey practices continued to resume for a while now and then the coach let us leave early henceforth I was planning on going to her performance in the ice rink and watching her become more of the star that she was shining so sparkling beautifully in the night sky.

"You need to hurry up with your plan," said Holden.


All of my friends look at me worriedly as if I was about to break so they figure out ways to distract me from thinking about him all of the time and I was very grateful for their help because I was no longer sitting in bed eating ben&jerry funky blast double chocolate chip ice cream with a spoon but my figure skating coach Helena did say that I skate with my emotions that was very rare for a figure skater to execute.

Unfortunately, I have had bad luck this week since Rochelle backed out of the first competition due to a family emergency and she was the only one other than myself who knows the routine right now although, everyone else I know was occupied by other activities. Every single boy backs away from me or runs in another direction no thanks to Asher's annoying rules which leave me partnerless if that was even a word.

"Mum, what am I supposed to do with the national competition coming up and I have no partner to skate with now?"I asked my mum.

Right now, I facetime my mum on my laptop explaining all of my previous problems to her about how I don't have a partner for the pair skating competition, however, I left out the part where Asher's dad threatened me.

"Don't worry about it, Jess, because everything is going to start falling aligned within the universe." my mum reassured me.

After a long time of talking to my mum who seems to be an almost positive attitude towards everything in life telling me that if one door closes and then another one would open opportunities for me as we soon hang up the phone I was left without no choice but to step out of the competition tomorrow afternoon that would be happening in the day after tomorrow evening.

At first glance at myself in the mirror I saw that once-lost girl who had fought with her insecurity knowing that she doesn't necessarily need a man to be happy but she needs to be honest with herself. I was my own lucky charm and no one else can steal my shine because I was Jessamyn Burke, a hard-working, overachiever beautiful figure skater who started skating along to her dreams.

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