Chapter Thirty-eight

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Jessamyn's Pov

Today, i was wearing my light green flowy figure skating outfit dress as i definitely might have an obsession with the way the colour green looks on me even if it was my favourite colour does suit me anyways, everyone else skated on the ice rink including everybody's younger siblings joined both Holden and Mason ice skating club classes since Asher younger brother Andrew and my little sister Lacey wanted to be involved this club that was opened to all children of many ages how to skate on the ice especially when they came to visit us here.

Quite frankly, we all thought of a plan to get Holden and Natalia to start making the healthy fruits snacks, juice boxes as well as lemon squares to get them ready before the children snacks break while the rest of us did enjoyed our time interacted with the little kiddos who were the absolute cutest ever. I helped out to find the newest recruits of figure skater or hockey players for the meantime, my boyfriend Asher did happened to surprised both his little brother and my little sister Lacey with two of his hockey jersey pre-made for them as i joke that he should started his own collection if them one for teenagers, toddlers, babies and adults that has his jersey number on the back of it.

"I feel like a hockey mum." I said jokingly to him, laughing out loud.

He skated toward me in his hockey skates and asked me "how many kids do you want?"

In utter disbelief, i felt a little uncertain of how much children that i wanted to have especially when we were still young in university and we both have a future careers to worry about but the time does fly so for the moment, i smiled directly back at him, never let our eyes lingering wander off each other. I wasn't against having a little mini me or him in the future to be honest with you, I trusted him with my whole life.

"Maybe three or four kids in the future, like a proper little family." I smiled and said honestly to him.

All of my friends smiled as they saw my eyes widened in surprise when Mason went to turn off he lights to flick on the fairy lights that every single one of my friends had put up in the ice rink for me during my deep conversation with Asher, boyfriend nonetheless, this place spark like never before and of course a little bit of Banners song called In Your Universe was played throughout the speakers and Rihanna song called We Found Love. This was completely unexpected from all of them because who knew how romantic the hockey team boys were too.

The future was our for the taking and no one get like he did. We were unstoppable together on the top world that no one can tear us apart from one another also one of the things that life had taught me was to never let anybody try steal my success or cloud my judgment of what i was capable of many non-achievable yet it doesn't always means that it was impossible to accomplish in life. One of my favourite quotes from him was; "legacies aren't born but they are made."

We were legends of our own making.

Whenever he touches my face softly or rubs my hand reassuringly if I doubt myself, I get this firework lit up. My heart has butterflies flying everywhere in my stomach and fate brought him to me to show me how to believe in myself to find the courage to skate again and for that reason I still believe in miracles.

"Good, because I was thinking the same thing. My flower." he whispered in my ear as his lips lightly brushed against my ear before our lips could touch. He gently pushed my hair back with his hand and then he kissed me.

And somehow at this moment I felt such a magical euphoric period of time where all electrical sparks rushed between our touches until one of the eager little girls who had auburn-haired asked me a question with her arms up. " How did you attempt the impossible triple jump twirls?" I couldn't let down my fans so I started skating far aways from them to create some space and quickly demonstrated it to those little girls as they all began to cheer me on in the crowd stands during this demo a song ceilings by Lizzy McAlpine.

One of the little girl friends said "wow, i wished i could achieve that when i am grown up like you."

Sincerely i smiled at her cuteness when two of her dimples showed as she smiled back at me and i told her "why wished? When you can be part of my newest latest Little elite training programme."

Five, four, three, two and one I immediately heard the sound of skates on the ice heading straight toward me were loads of little girls and some boys all rushed to engulf me in one of the best hugs and the thrilled sound of them excitedly squealing happily reached our ears.

In the back of my mind I knew this was the start of something new. I love the rush of a perfectly great feeling knowing that I might help those kids to dream come true.

"Alright, you little Rugrats, what do we say to someone who comes to visit our classes to help us?" asked Holden.

Clearly they were all extremely pleased that they all got a chance to be on my junior figure skate team because i wanted to give every one of them a chance to shine as i believe in them like some of the most special people who i had met did believe in me for example, my parents, friends, acquaintances, boyfriend Asher, best friend Rochelle, Mason and my figure skating coach did.

These girls definitely had one hundred percent potential to be anything that they want as i first truly saw this very potential myself in each of them when i assessed their skills on the ice added some pointers to help them improve on their skills and then Mason and i gave them a demonstrate of how pair skating work including added all of the tricks as well as lifted that we rehearsal for the last four weeks. Eventually i saw a flashed of someone phone camera shining on us as it turned out it was Asher taking candid photos of me as soon i was carefully placed back on the ice, i skated toward the him taking my polarise cameras out of his pocket to take a group picture of all us completely loving this day.

One thing I know for sure was these people were my people. 

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