Halloween Night

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The beginning of a friendship with Hermione.

"By Merlin's beard, Wesley is an idiot!" Cassiopeia muttered to herself, frustrated.

The girl felt a wave of irritation and indignation sweep through her entire being as she witnessed the moment when Ron made Hermione cry with his foolish words. She couldn't understand how someone could be so insensitive and stupid towards another person, especially someone like Hermione, who always displayed intelligence and kindness.

"He has the audacity to talk about people behind their backs." Cassiopeia sighed, and went to the women's restroom to look for Hermione.

Upon entering the bathroom, Cassiopeia searched for Hermione, hoping to find her in one of the stalls or near the sinks.

Finally, she spotted Hermione standing in front of the mirror, wiping away the tears that were still streaming down her face.

Cassi approached gently, respecting the girl's personal space but making it clear that she was there to support her.

"Are you here to mock me too?" Hermione asked defensively.

"Hermione, I would never come here to mock you. I came here to talk and understand how you're feeling. I know Ron's words were harsh and unfair, but please allow me to explain," Cassiopeia said.

"I'm sorry, it's just that... it's happened so many times before, I thought you would too..." Hermione was embarrassed and let out a sob.

"I understand your concern, Hermione. I do value friendship and respect. I just want to talk and offer my support. If you want to share what you're feeling, I'm here to listen," Cassi smiled gently.

Hermione let out a sob. "I'm afraid of not being accepted by others because of my blood status. And now, with what Ron said..."

"Hermione, I understand how you feel. I can imagine how challenging it must be to be a Muggle-born in a completely new wizarding world. But I want you to know that you're not alone. I'm here to be your friend and support you in whatever you need," Cassi smiled gently, still respecting Hermione's personal space.

"Thank you, Gaunt. It's comforting to know that someone understands. Ever since I arrived at Hogwarts, I've felt so out of place and insecure," Hermione smiled, trying to wipe her face clean.

"Granger, I completely understand your fears. But I want you to know that your heritage doesn't define who you are as a witch or as a person. You are an incredible, intelligent, and courageous individual. It's no wonder you were sorted into Gryffindor. And I want to assure you that being a Muggle-born doesn't change my desire to be your friend," Cassiopeia said sweetly.

Hermione looked at Cassiopeia with surprise and confusion, unable to understand how a pure-blood, especially the Slytherin princess, could want to be her friend. She had seen how other Slytherins looked at her with disgust. Her eyes showed a mix of curiosity and suspicion.

Cassiopeia noticed Hermione's reaction and understood the reason behind her surprise. She decided to address the issue head-on, clarifying her own viewpoints and the values her mother had taught her.

"Hermione, I understand that my family is known for Salazar Slytherin's pure-blood ideals. But I want you to know that I don't share those beliefs. My mother has always been against prejudice and discrimination based on blood. She believes that a family's true power lies not in their origins, but in their actions and the choices we make.

"But... how can I be sure that you're different?" Hermione said in a low voice.

"I understand your skepticism, Hermione. But I am here to prove to you that my words are not empty. I believe in equality among wizards, regardless of their blood. I reject any form of prejudice, and I am willing to fight against it. You don't need to worry about me discriminating against Muggle-borns because I value the person you are, not your origins," Cassi smiled.

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