I'm a Black.

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I'm not sorry at all


The distressed cry from Narcissa upon sighting Cassiopeia's blood-stained shirt echoed throughout the room so loudly that it left her disoriented. "I'm fine," she whispered, trembling, as she quickly discarded the soiled clothing.

"Did he summon a meeting?" Cassiopeia asked in panic. Narcissa approached her, delicately tracing her finger over the partially open wound, her eyes wide with silent fury.

"They're downstairs. I made up an excuse that you were resting, but then he insisted on seeing you," she explained, concerned.

Damn. Cassie shivered slightly. "I need to put on something clean," she pleaded, finally getting rid of the last piece of clothing.

"I'm alright, Cissa," she reassured once again, seeing the older woman's anguished expression. "It hurts a little, but I promise they fared much worse than I did."

Narcissa observed her for a moment and hugged her tightly. "Oh, my love. I was so worried," she sighed before gently kissing her.

But then the room was abruptly invaded as the door swung open, revealing Dolohov. "Well, what's this..." He stopped suddenly, surprised by the scene before him. However, his astonishment gave way to laughter.

"That idiot Lucius..." He chuckled, hands on his knees as he gasped for air. "This wasn't the kind of betrayal the Dark Lord was expecting, but it's certainly more enjoyable to witness." He taunted, his covetous eyes fixed on Cassiopeia's bare breasts. Narcissa shouted at him to back off, spewing profane threats nonstop and pulling Cassiopeia back while trying to shield her from the insidious gazes.

She had never heard so many curse words strung together in her entire life.

This only heightened Dolohov's amusement, and he retreated gradually, muttering something like 'Good taste, Lady Malfoy, truly exquisite taste.' Cassiopeia was momentarily stunned, completely taken aback by the situation. "Bloody hell," she muttered as she entered the closet and retrieved a clean blouse and skirt.

"Damned imbecile," Narcissa hissed behind her, helping her dress. "Now he'll spread poisonous gossip to all the Death Eaters."

Cassi didn't pay much attention. At least it served as a distraction and would divert suspicion from Voldemort. She felt Narcissa's gaze on her, a mix of concern and something else shimmering in her eyes.

"It doesn't matter," she quickly dismissed, sealing the words with a soft kiss. But the woman abruptly pushed her against the wardrobe, deepening the kiss with passion.

"Never scare me like that again," she murmured irritably, delivering a fierce bite to Cassiopeia's neck.

But then Cassi winced in sharp pain from her injured shoulder, causing Narcissa to pull back, worried.

Narcissa scowled at the wound, clicking her tongue in disapproval as she gently touched the injured shoulder. "We need to tend to this," she said with concern.

"We don't have time. Later," Cassi pleaded, trying to mask the pain and urgency in her words.

"How do I look?" she asked, adjusting the black shirt. She wanted to appear presentable to avoid raising suspicion.

"Delightful, I'd say. I could sink my teeth into you," Narcissa replied with a mischievous smile, appraising Cassi from head to toe, eliciting a light scoff from the other.

"I'm being serious," Cassiopeia insisted, desiring an honest answer.

"I'm being serious as well," Narcissa confirmed, biting her lower lip seductively, which momentarily left Cassiopeia breathless.

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