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The room was lit only by the rays of sun streaming through the curtains. Cassiopeia woke up slowly, feeling the warm embrace of sunlight on her face. She stretched lazily, extending her limbs as if waking from a dream. For a moment, she wasn't sure if she was fully awake or still in the realm of slumber.

As her senses sharpened, she realized she wasn't alone in bed. Another body was there, their legs intertwined with hers. Her drowsy mind took a moment to process who the person beside her was.


The woman was already wide awake, propping herself up on one elbow, looking at Cassi with a sweet smile. Her bicolor hair cascaded over one side of her face, mingling with the morning light that filtered through the heavy curtain.

"Good morning, my angel," she murmured, reaching over to tuck a strand of hair behind Cassiopeia's ear.

Cassi blushed, feeling a bit disoriented.

"Good morning," she replied, her voice husky with sleep. Then, like a contented cat, she stretched her back arching on the bed.

An electric sensation traveled through her bare legs, the touch of Narcissa's skin brushing lightly against hers. The older woman watched her intently, studying her body now exposed as the sheets shifted, analyzing something intently.

Confused, Cassi propped herself up on her elbows.

"Where are my clothes?" she asked, panic setting in.

"I had to take them off to tend to your wounds, love," Narcissa said softly, her fingers tracing circles on Cassiopeia's exposed abdomen, tracing a finger over a small mark. "There were many cuts."

Cassiopeia shivered and looked around anxiously.

But Narcissa sensed her distress and pulled her into an embrace, cradling her face gently. "Breathe, my sweet," she urged softly, placing a tender kiss on her forehead.

"You have a long day ahead," she sighed, resting their foreheads together. Cassiopeia pulled her closer in a tight hug, tears welling up in her eyes. "I'll need you by my side, please. I don't know if I can..."

"You can," Narcissa affirmed, giving her a gentle kiss on the cheek. "I'll be with you," she promised softly.


As Cassiopeia descended the stairs, she found Lucius pacing back and forth, visibly distressed. As soon as he spotted her, he rushed over and enveloped her in a tight embrace.

"Thank you," he gasped in a sigh. "I will still face punishment, but thank you... If you hadn't retrieved the prophecy, I don't know what he would have done to Narcissa, to Draco," Lucius panted, panic evident in his thoughts.

Then, Cassiopeia's mind flashed back to the events of the previous day, and it all became too overwhelming to bear.

It wasn't a nightmare.

Her legs felt weak, and Lucius caught her, his expression filled with concern. "Narcissa!" He called out down the corridors, and she appeared, looking extremely worried, running towards them.

"Love, you are still very weak. Come, sit down," Narcissa instructed, with Lucius by her side, settling Cassi into one of the chairs at the table.

"I need to get out of here. The Aurors will come looking for me any moment," Lucius sighed with evident worry.

Narcissa grasped Cassiopeia's shoulders so tightly that it left marks on her skin.

"Gaunt will come shortly and give an excuse for her absence from Hogwarts for the past week. You've finished all your exams, I suppose?" Lucius inquired.

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