Blood Connection

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It was Christmas morning, and Cassi's heart leaped with joy as she jumped out of bed. Outside the window, the snow was falling gently, painting the world in white. Seraphina and Morgus seemed somewhat saddened by the cold weather. Cassi quickly checked the heating spells on the terrariums, ensuring her scaly friends were comfortable, before hurrying towards the bathroom.

On the way, her thin silk nightgown glided smoothly over her body, leaving her feeling the softness of the fabric against her skin as it fell to her feet. She dipped into the hot water of the bathtub, feeling the warmth envelop her body and relax her tense muscles. The bubbles floated delicately on her skin, creating a comforting sensation. Cassi closed her eyes, savoring the moment of tranquility and peace.

However, her tranquility was interrupted when she heard knocks on the bathroom door. She furrowed her brow, not expecting anyone at that moment. With a resigned sigh, she allowed the person to enter.

"Darling, I came to wake you u..." Narcissa abruptly interrupted her sentence, watching her intensely. She leaned against the doorframe, her gaze scanning every curve of Cassiopeia's body.

She smiled mischievously, enjoying his bewilderment. She truly seemed delighted by the sight of the young woman in the bathtub.

Cassi felt a little disconcerted but decided to tease a bit to hide her nervousness. "See something you like?" she asked, letting a playful smile dance on her lips.

"Actually, yes. I am quite enjoying the view at the moment," she replied cynically. Her smile widened, seductive, predatory.

Embarrassed, Cassiopeia sank a bit deeper into the water, seeking a bit more privacy. She felt the warm blush starting to rise on her cheeks.

Narcissa found the reaction adorable and let out a warm laugh. "You are precious," she whispered to herself, as if unable to contain the thought. "Enjoy your bath, my love. We'll meet for breakfast afterward."

With one last smile and a lingering gaze from top to bottom, Narcissa left the bathroom, leaving Cassi frustrated and longing for more.

She will be the death of me


When Cassi descended the stairs, the delightful aroma of crispy toast and honey cake filled her nostrils. The table was already set for the festive breakfast, and Narcissa was sitting next to Draco, while Mr. Malfoy read the newspaper.

"Good morning, everyone," Cassi greeted with a gentle smile. "Merry Christmas!"

"Merry Christmas, my dear," responded Narcissa joyfully, pulling a chair next to her for Cassi to sit.

"Merry Christmas, Foxy," Draco teased, taking a bite of his toast.

"Merry Christmas, Mrs. Gaunt," said Lucius, briefly lowering the newspaper to smile.

The table was filled with a variety of Christmas delights. Pumpkin juice was served in silver goblets, at least three types of cakes - honey, chocolate, and pineapple - each adorned with cute decorations. Tempting aromas wafted from the golden toast, while the Flaming Christmas Puddings adorned the center of the table.

After the silent breakfast, Draco couldn't contain his excitement and childishly pleaded, "Mother, can I open my presents now?"

Narcissa couldn't resist her son's request and smiled broadly. "Of course,dragon," she responded affectionately. Draco ran out of the room, pulling Cassiopeia along, eager to reach the Christmas tree where the presents awaited them.

Narcissa followed closely behind with a smile.

As they walked, Cassi playfully tugged at his wrist. "A little more, and you'll rip my arm off, Draco."

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