Time goes by so quickly

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Folks, here the story comes to an end. However, another one has just been uploaded.

It's Teddy's first birthday, and he's already causing chaos. She had given the little wizard a toy broomstick, and now he was flying about a meter above the ground around the house, with Dora chasing and stumbling relentlessly. Bellatrix and Lupin were laughing hysterically at the scene.

"Did it really have to be a Broomstick?"

Andromeda asked with a frown, watching one of her vases almost fall to the ground for the second time in less than 5 minutes.

"Let me spoil my godson, Andy," Cassi rolled her eyes, finding it adorable as the little metamorphmagus changed his hair to platinum blonde like Draco's while laughing around the house.

Andromeda rolled her eyes in exasperation. "At least help me with the sweets in the kitchen," she asked with a scowl. Cassi smiled sardonically before following the witch, giving one last glance to Dora stumbling over her own feet while chasing her son on a broomstick.

"What do you need me to do?" She asked, confused, looking at all the kitchen utensils.

The party wouldn't really start for another two hours, but they had promised to help Andy with the preparations. Narcissa strongly insisted on hiring the wizarding service for a massive party.

However, both Dora and Andromeda stubbornly refused, preferring a Muggle way of preparation. This left both Bellatrix and Narcissa mortified. Honestly, Cassiopeia was quite scandalized too.

"Just mix this batter and then pour it into the pan," Andromeda pointed at the things in question, but Cassi raised an eyebrow.

"I don't know how to cook. I've never even entered a kitchen before for anything other than stealing cookies the house-elves prepared."

Andromeda laughed at that. "Spoiled little witch. Come, I'll teach you," she gently pulled her, standing behind Cassiopeia as she guided one of her hands to her waist and the other held her hand around a wooden spoon."

"You're good at potions, aren't you?" Andromeda whispered against her ear, and Cassiopeia did her best to focus on the task at hand and not on the extraordinary witch behind her.

"Y-yes," she replied with a sigh.

"Well... Just stir... Rhythmically in one direction and keep at it until all the air bubbles disappear and the ingredients are uniform," she softly said as she moved their hands together.

Cassiopeia gasped as she felt lips brushing against her neck, her eyes trying to stay on the task instead of succumbing entirely. "Like this?" she questioned with a husky voice.

"Exactly, well done," Andromeda responded gently. They worked reasonably well together.

The only challenge was Andromeda brushing her fingers along her arm, neck, and any exposed skin she could find. The older witch 'accidentally' bumped into her, whispered unnecessarily into her ear, and pushed her from behind, their hips grazing together until she was completely flushed and breathless. Cassi was already drenched with all the teasing and was nearly tearing her hair out in frustration. Andromeda had been doing this for months, but not a single damn time had she acted on it.

Not a single kiss, not one. Just provocations upon provocations. She was about to snap at the older woman when she once again pressed their bodies together, supposedly reaching for something on the shelf, just as the guests began to arrive.

The party went very well. The Weasleys were in attendance, and much to Tonks and Lupin's dismay, the twins gave Teddy a prank kit.

Nothing actually dangerous, but it would probably cause some havoc around the house. She stifled a laugh as Andromeda pinched the bridge of her nose, likely feeling a headache coming on at the thought of her house being destroyed.

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