Saving friends

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Cassi found herself busy, assisting Professor Snape in his tasks in the potions classroom. He had received a special batch of mandrakes cultivated by Professor Sprout and needed to prepare Mandrake Restorative Draught potions to aid in the recovery efforts of the petrified students.

With care and precision, Cassi worked alongside Snape, following his instructions diligently. She handled the mandrakes with protective gloves and followed the delicate steps of the process, ensuring that each ingredient was added in the right measure.

In addition to helping Snape, Cassi also dedicated her time to assisting Madam Pomfrey in the care of the petrified students. Whenever possible, she volunteered to help with the treatment, bringing comfort and support to the affected students. She knew how important it was to be there for them during these difficult times.

Meanwhile, the atmosphere in the school was charged with tension. Security measures had been reinforced, with new rules being implemented. All students were required to return to their common rooms by 6 p.m., without exceptions.

Furthermore, each student would be escorted by a teacher at all times, from attending classes to returning to the dormitories. Minerva made it clear to everyone that unless the perpetrator of the attacks was captured, the school would be forced to close. These words hung in the air, increasing the pressure on everyone involved in the search for truth and the solution to this dark mystery.

Every passing day without a resolution brought a sense of urgency and the need to strive even harder to find the culprit and prevent the closure of the beloved school.

The young witch was focused in the library, studying spells alongside Pansy, when Minerva suddenly called her. A feeling of panic ran through her body, and she immediately knew that something terrible had happened.
Minerva hurriedly took Cassi to the infirmary, and as they approached, a tightness in Cassi's heart only grew. Upon entering the room, she saw Hermione petrified on one of the beds, her face expressing a look of freezing and immobility.

Tears welled up in Cassi's eyes, and she rushed to her friend's side, gently holding her hand. "Hermione," she whispered amidst the tears, feeling a mixture of sadness and despair.

Minerva, with a sad expression, said to Cassi. "I'm so sorry, my dear. This must be a great shock for you." The professor's voice revealed her own anguish in the situation.

Cassi looked at Minerva with teary eyes and a mixture of confusion and sadness. "Aunt Minnie, when did this happen? How? How could they let this happen?" she quickly poured out, her voice choked with tears. "Why didn't you tell me?" The feeling of injustice and powerlessness overwhelmed her.

Harry and Ron, feeling the weight of guilt on their shoulders, exchanged significant looks and then directed their gaze at Minerva.

"It was our fault," confessed Harry, his voice laden with regret and sadness.

"We thought it was you. We're so sorry, Cassi."
Ron, looking at his own feet and nervously moving his fingers, added, "We owe you an apology, Cassi. We shouldn't have accused you without even letting you explain."

The silence in the infirmary was almost tangible, only broken by Cassiopeia's restrained sobs. Minerva decided to leave, leaving them alone to talk. Before leaving, she gently squeezed her goddaughter's shoulder, conveying silent support.

Harry then showed a mirror to Cassi and explained that Hermione was found near the library, along with that object. He asked if it had any significance to her.
Cassi let out a tearful laugh, which made Harry and Ron raise their eyebrows, curious about her reaction. With tenderness in her smile, Cassi showed the paper that Hermione held in her motionless hands.

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