Fucking Malfoys

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Lucius Malfoy had filed a case at the Ministry of Magic, demanding the execution of Buckbeak. Hagrid was devastated and did everything he could to protect the loyal Hippogriff.

Cassi and Hermione, determined to help, spent hours in the library, immersed in books and scrolls, searching for any information that could provide a way to save the animal.
However, despite their efforts, hope began to fade when the news reached them.

Hermione, visibly shaken, handed the damp letter to Harry, who trembled as he held it. The parchment was soaked with tears, smudging the ink in some places and making it difficult to read.

Harry felt a tightness in his chest as he read the message written by Hagrid, his inner voice screaming with indignation. It was a painful defeat. Buckbeak would be taken back to Hogwarts, and the date for his execution would be set.

My dear Mione and Cassiopeia,

We lost. I was allowed to bring Buckbeak back to Hogwarts. The date for the execution will be set.

Buckbeak liked London. I won't forget all the help you gave us.


"They can't do this," said Harry, disturbed.

"They can't. Buckbeak is not dangerous. Malfoy's father must have intimidated the Committee to make them do this," Hermione sobbed, leaning on Cassi's shoulder as she tried to wipe away her tears. "You know how he is. The others are a bunch of senile fools and they got scared. But there will be an appeal, there always is. I just can't see any hope. Nothing will change until then."

"It will, though," Ron said fiercely. "You won't have to do all the work alone! Cassi, Mione, I want to help," Ron said with a determined look.

Cassi smiled at her friend, and Hermione cried even harder.

"Oh, Ron!" Hermione let go of Cassi and threw her arms around Ron's neck, crying uncontrollably.

Ron, looking terrified, awkwardly patted the top of the girl's head.
Which made Cassi chuckle.

Finally, Hermione pulled away. "Ron, I'm really, truly sorry about Scabbers..." Hermione sobbed, referring to the previous incident.

Ron swore with all his might that Crookshanks had eaten his rat, which strained their friendship.

"Well... he was old," Ron said, looking very relieved that Hermione had let it go. "And he was getting kind of useless. You never know, maybe Mom and Dad will buy me an owl now." Ron tried to smile.

The Easter holidays were not exactly the relaxing period that the third-year students had hoped for. A wave of homework overwhelmed all of them in the third year, who had never had so much homework before.

Neville Longbottom, poor boy, was on the verge of a nervous breakdown, but he certainly wasn't the only one.

Hermione and Cassiopeia had the heaviest workload. Cassi was taking all the subjects, and Hermione was following closely with all except Divination and Muggle Studies.

As a daily ritual, the two girls were the first to arrive at the library and also the last to leave the comfort of their respective common rooms.
Cassi reserved moments to visit Sirius and practice her ability to transform into her Animagus form. On quiet nights, she and Sirius would roam the grounds of Hogwarts together, enjoying the freedom that being an Animagus provided them.

The moon shone in the starry sky as Cassi and Sirius explored their surroundings, their footprints leaving marks on the soft grass.
Crookshanks, curious and full of energy, followed closely behind them, alternating between chasing birds and insects and winding himself around Cassi's legs, indifferent to the form she assumed.

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