Devastating Shadow

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I created digital art because I was bored. I apologize, it's terrible, I know, but it's been a while since I've drawn. So give me some credit.

This chapter was done out of laziness, I'm shoving it down your throats and I don't regret it

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This chapter was done out of laziness, I'm shoving it down your throats and I don't regret it.


"I BEG YOUR PARDON?!" Narcissa's furious shout echoed through the room as they were alone that night.

"I helped them invade the Ministry... And I plan to keep freeing Muggle-borns in secret," Cassi whispered, her eyes steady as she confessed her actions. Sometimes, Narcissa could be quite intimidating.

"You have no idea the danger you've put yourself in!" The furious monologue continued, Narcissa's words filled with intensity. "Taking such reckless risks! Luck smiled upon you for having Yanxle completely smitten with you."
Cassi let out an offended sigh.

"Salazar's serpents! I expected, at the very least, a bit more subtlety."

The irritation was gaining ground now. She had been discreet, no one had caught her in the act even once. Narcissa only knew because guilt had compelled her to confess. And something within Cassi snapped. "Discreet like you?!"

Narcissa halted her step abruptly, wide eyes locking onto Cassi's. But in the blink of an eye, she regained her composure. "What are you talking about?" The question sounded calm, almost casual.

Cassiopeia rose from her chair, a teasing smile playing on her lips. "I know perfectly well who's been killing the Death Eaters, Lady Malfoy. Or should I call you... Devastating Shadow?"

Narcissa spun on her heels, her expression indecipherable, but her eyes betrayed her emotions. Always so expressive, at least for Cassiopeia they revealed everything.

"Since when have you known?" She inquired, a half-smile curving her lips, not bothering to deny it.

"I grew suspicious when I first saw your collection of poisonous plants in the conservatory. And that potion you were brewing, so sweet... It seemed wrong to me. Always in the library reading dark magic books and the Narcissus flowers scattered around the manor? What truly shocks me is none of those imbeciles realized it was you all along!"

A laugh escaped Narcissa's lips, surprising, she just laughed. And then they locked eyes, a moment of tension that persisted until it was broken when the older woman grabbed her hair and kissed her urgently. The pressure of her teeth on Cassi's lips was so intense that a metallic taste lingered. A moan escaped from both, surprise mingling with pleasure.

"You have no idea how your cunning excites me, little witch," Narcissa murmured between attacks on her neck.

"Then show me," Cassi teased, but before she could realize it, she received a slap. She held her sore cheek with a pout and pleading eyes.

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