Ferret Malfoy and The champions Selection

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Cassiopeia was deeply engrossed in a spell proficiency book when she heard a commotion coming from beside her... There was Draco. Of course.

Cassi shook her head, exasperated.

"Your father is in the newspaper, Weasley!" Malfoy said, brandishing a copy of the Daily Prophet. "Arnold Weasley, accused of owning a flying car for the past two years, was involved in a brawl with Muggle law enforcement officers yesterday over extremely aggressive dustbins. Mr. Weasley seems to have gone to the aid of 'Mad-Eye' Moody, an elderly ex-Auror who retired from the Ministry after becoming unable to distinguish a handshake from a homicidal attack. Upon arriving at the heavily guarded former Auror's house, the employee found, unsurprisingly, that once again Mr. Moody had raised a false alarm. As a result, Mr. Weasley was forced to modify numerous memories to evade the officers, but he refused to answer the Daily Prophet's questions about the reasons behind involving the Ministry in this undignified and potentially embarrassing episode." Draco read aloud, drawing the attention of more people.

"And there's a photo, Weasley!" Draco added, turning the newspaper and showing it. "A photo of your parents at the doorstep, if you can even call that a home. Your mother could certainly lose a few pounds, don't you think?" Draco mocked.

Upon hearing this, Cassiopeia stood up, knowing that her idiotic friend was about to get into trouble. Ron trembled with anger. Everyone was staring at them.

"Leave, Malfoy," said Harry, trying to steer Ron away. "Let's go."

"Oh, that's right, you were visiting family over the summer, weren't you, Potter?" Draco taunted. "So tell me, does his mother look like a barrel, or is it just the effect of the photo?"

"Draco, stop right now," Cassi warned. Draco flinched and fell silent, but then Harry asked, "Have you ever taken a good look at your own mother, Malfoy?"

Replied, as 'e and Hermione held Ron back by 'is robes to stop 'im from goin' after the other bloke. "Pretty woman, but that expression on 'er face, like she's got shite under 'er nose. She always 'ad that look or was it just 'cause you were near 'er?" Harry questioned, and Draco had a vein poppin' in his neck.

 She always 'ad that look or was it just 'cause you were near 'er?" Harry questioned, and Draco had a vein poppin' in his neck

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"Don't you dare insult my mother, Potter," Draco shouted.

"Then shut yer big mouth," said Harry, turnin' away.

When he turned around, Draco pointed his wand at Harry but was hit by a spell and disappeared. In his place, there was... A white ferret.

 A white ferret

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