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Sorry guys


When she started to wake up, there were voices all around. A persistent buzzing echoed in her ear, and an unpleasant pressure in her head. She was being held firmly by someone who caressed her face while shouting and growling at someone else behind her. The gentle electric shock on her skin made her recognize who it was.

"Narcissa?" Cassi managed to speak for a moment.

The woman seemed to let out a sigh of relief and showered her face with kisses. "Oh, sweet, you woke up," Narcissa had panic in her voice, and Cassi had never heard the woman sound so unsettled.

"Of course she's fine, Cissy, you act like I've killed the girl," a second voice snarled.

"Shut up, Bella! Shut up!" Narcissa shouted angrily, trying to help Cassi sit up.

"Darling, can you see me properly? How many fingers do I have here?" She asked, raising five fingers, or was it four? No, three, how does someone have six fingers?

"It's - 5? 4? 3?" Cassiopeia answered very confused, her mind buzzing, unsure if she was in a dream.

"Bloodthirsty gargoyles," Narcissa groaned in concern.

"Winky! Winky!"

The small elf appeared with a pop and curtsied. "Yes, mistress?" She asked with a trembling voice.

"I need you to fetch a revitalizing potion for me, bring bandages and gauze as well! And prepare tea and biscuits!" Narcissa requested, returning her attention to Cassiopeia and checking every wound on her body.

"And to think I planned a better reception for when you returned," she complained irritatedly.

In her haze, Cassi seemed to find this terrible funny. "I would gladly return. Did I really have to be kidnapped?" she said, laughing while still disoriented.

Narcissa clicked her tongue in disapproval.
"Bellatrix, if he hurts her, you're dead," she said in such an icy tone that it made Cassiopeia shudder.

"I had to follow orders, Cissy!" Bellatrix declared in desperation. "The Dark Lord threatened to crucio you! Besides, it was Gaunt who asked for her."

"Voldemort?" Cassi finally asked, managing to stabilize herself. "My mother?" she quickly got up in shock. However, it seemed like the wrong move because she fell back, only not hitting the floor because Narcissa caught her.

"Calm down, love. You need to sit," she guided her back towards the sofa.

It was then that she could properly distinguish Narcissa in front of her. Her beautiful gray-brown eyes were filled with worry and tears, her cheeks wet as if she had been crying for a long time.

"Oh, my dear," Narcissa said with sorrow, pressing their foreheads together. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."

"For what?" Cassi asked, confused and panicked to see Narcissa suffering. The tightness in her chest was unbearable.

Narcissa didn't have time to respond; Bellatrix reached out uncomfortably and said, "He's summoning, I have to go."

Before leaving the room, she came back to Cassiopeia. "I'm sorry we met like this, little witch," she whispered before walking out of the door.

Cassi looked around, recognizing Narcissa's room.

"Love, forgive me, please," the older woman pleaded with a trembling voice as she pressed their foreheads together. "I failed to keep you away from this mess."

Cassiopeia couldn't bear to see Narcissa so vulnerable and shaken.

"Hey, it's okay. I'm okay," she whispered back, gently brushing their lips together.
But it seemed that Narcissa needed more, as she cupped Cassi's face and deepened the kiss desperately, full of longing and emotions. When their tongues touched, Cassi moaned with joy, realizing how much she missed this.

"I missed you," she whispered softly.

"Oh, my dear, I missed you too," Narcissa sighed, giving a small kiss on her nose.

"Narcissa, why did Bellatrix mention my mother?" she asked suddenly, and the older woman backed away nervously, fidgeting her fingers.

"That's something Noctua must explain," she sighed anxiously.

"No," Cassi gasped, knowing where this was going. "She can't... It's impossible," she stood up in exasperation, but she was too dizzy and swayed from side to side, almost falling again.

"Love, you need to calm down," Narcissa pleaded, wrapping her arms around Cassi's waist. "Breathe," she gently instructed, guiding Cassi's hand to her own chest, helping her control her breathing.

When Cassi was calmer, she held onto the older woman, not wanting to let go, seeking comfort as she cried in deep pain.

Then something broke. The fog lifted, and she could perceive clearly.

"Shhh. It's alright, I've got you," Narcissa comforted, pulling her to sit on her lap while making soothing circles on her back. "It's okay, my sweet."

"Sirius is dead," Cassi broke with a faltering voice. "He's gone," she sobbed through her tears.

Narcissa felt a sharp pain in her chest seeing her so hurt. "It's okay, love, you can cry. Let it out," she shuddered, mourning the loss of yet another member of her family.

"He's gone, Narcissa," she cried, holding the older woman impossibly close, burying herself in her neck as she wept.

"Shhh," Narcissa comforted amid the tears, gently swaying back and forth on her lap. "I'm here, love. You're not alone," she whispered, placing tender kisses on Cassi's temple.
Cassiopeia felt her eyes beginning to close as shouts invaded the floor below.

"Pay no attention, love. Shhh," Narcissa reassured, pulling her closer when she felt something slip onto her lap.

"What's this?" she asked in shock, picking up the sphere on Cassie's lap.

"The real prophecy," Cassi whispered, reaching out to take it.

Narcissa handed it over, astounded. "My love," she whispered, placing kisses all around Cassi's face. "You saved us."

Cassi felt confused, but then Narcissa continued, "Can you give this to me, darling?" She asked softly, and Cassiopeia handed it over without even thinking.

But then something clicked. "For what?" she asked, frightened.

"We have to deliver it to the Dark Lord, love," Narcissa explained gently, brushing her lips against her ear. "Or he will punish us."

At the threat of punishment against Narcissa, Cassiopeia shuddered. Fuck the order, fuck Harry, fuck all of them.

"Okay," she gasped in panic, and Narcissa smiled at her, nodding. "Good girl. It's okay, babygirl. I'll be right back," she said softly, leading Cassi to bed and tucking her in gently. Cassi held onto her, not wanting to let the older woman go.

"Mommy will be back soon, love," she said with a gentle kiss on her lips before rushing out the door.

Cassiopeia was too confused, her body too weak for any questioning. Her eyes slowly closed, and the last thing she was aware of was the bed sinking beside her and Narcissa's soothing scent as she placed numerous kisses on her temple.

"Shhh. You're safe," the older woman whispered, pulling her into her arms.
Then the world dissolved, and Cassiopeia fell into the arms of Morpheus.

HP • 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤  ─  𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐒𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐱 𝐎𝐂Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz