In love with Granger?

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On the Saturday preceding the first task of the tournament, all students from the third year and above were given permission to visit the village of Hogsmeade.

Pansy was more needy than ever and insisted that Draco and Cassiopeia accompany her.
The trio walked together, arms linked, when they saw Hermione with her hands full of sweets, seemingly talking to herself. Cassi knew better, probably Harry was by her side, wearing the invisibility cloak.

"Looks, not only is she a mudblood, but also insane" Draco said, wrinkling his nose.

"Draco, please, stop calling her like that. It's extremely rude," Cassiopeia let go of her friend's arm to confront him.

"Oh, come on, Cassie, that's exactly what she is," Draco grumbled, annoyed.

"You're always defending that mudblood, are you in love with her now?! Have you become a blood traitor?" Pansy asked, visibly frustrated and scowling.

Cassi blushed furiously. She thought Hermione was beautiful, but it wasn't like that... She wasn't in love! They are friends.

Pansy seemed to grow very angry with Cassiopeia's flushed cheeks and her delay in responding to the question.

"That's it, isn't it?! You like her, that's why you don't spend as much time with me anymore?" Pansy accused angrily.

"NO!" Cassi shouted exasperated. "I'M NOT IN LOVE WITH GRANGER!"

Cassiopeia may have said that a little too loudly because when she turned around, Hermione was standing there with a half-eaten chocolate in her mouth and wide eyes.

"Damn it," Cassi muttered quietly, blushing furiously. "She's my friend, and I won't tolerate disrespect towards any of my friends. If you can't do that for her, please do it out of respect for me," Cassi concluded, frustrated, and walked away from the two, heading to Honeydukes alone.

While Cassi chose some chocolates, she felt someone hugging her waist. It was Pansy, with a remorseful look on her face.

"I'm sorry, baby," Pansy said softly. "I shouldn't have gone that far," she continued.
Cassi didn't respond and continued selecting her chocolates.

"Come on, talk to me," Pansy pleaded, now with a distressed voice. "Hey, beautiful fox," she continued and kissed behind Cassi's ear, making her shudder.

"Stop that," Cassiopeia said, trying to hide her reaction, although the blush on her face betrayed her.

This seemed to stimulate Pansy, who giggled.
"Let me pay for the chocolates for you." She took the candies that Cassi was choosing and went to the counter. Soon she returned with all of them packaged and handed them to Cassi.

"An apology, please," Pansy said with puppy eyes.

Cassiopeia couldn't resist food, especially tempting sweets. Sighing, she accepted the peace offering.

"Alright," Cassi sighed, and Pansy clapped her hands. "But I want you to stop calling Hermione a mudblood."

With that, Pansy's smile dropped. She seemed to be thinking until she huffed and said, "Fine," almost growling. "Anything for you."
Cassiopeia was satisfied with that and pulled Pansy along as they left the shop.



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