Black Sisters

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So, this is a bit chaotic and absolutely Black


The shock was immense as Andromeda opened the door. Her broad smile for Cassi turned into a scowl, and her eyes widened as she noticed her sisters behind her. The tension in the air was palpable, and Andromeda seemed torn between fear and uncertainty.

"They won't harm you," Cassi whispered softly, touching Andromeda's cheek to snap her out of her stupor. "I'm sorry I didn't come alone," she sighed, exasperated, and in response, Narcissa tightened her grip on her wrist.

"Come in," Andromeda pleaded in panic, looking around to ensure no one was nearby. She led them into the house, a simple yet beautiful dwelling. Many Muggle artifacts were present, but she wasn't quite sure what each one did.

Cassi observed an old portrait on the fireplace, where the three sisters were smiling innocently before their lives diverged into such different paths.

The atmosphere was filled with nostalgia, with cozy furniture and happy photographs framed on the walls.

"Ted isn't home," Andromeda said, realizing that Bellatrix was scanning the place with her wand raised, ready to react to any threat.
The sisters stared at each other in silence for long minutes, their teary eyes carrying the deep pain that had accumulated over the years. But none dared to speak or move.

"You drive me crazy," Cassi growled, venting out as she sank into the sofa. "Just hug each other already! By Salazar's snakes."

Then Narcissa was the first to break, pulling Andromeda close in a desperate embrace. "Andy..." she sobbed, tears streaming down her face, her voice choked with relief to finally have her back.

"Cissy..." Andromeda was also crying at this point, emotions overflowing in every word.

Bellatrix, on the other hand, stood still, a look of internal struggle on her face. She shifted the weight of her feet, unsure of how to fit into that moment. But then, something glimmered in her eyes, and a sob escaped her lips.

"I missed you so much, Andy," she sobbed, joining the sisters in the embrace.

Cassi watched everything with a silly smile on her lips. It had been years since they had spoken, years of separation and accumulated resentments. And there they were, together again, what felt right.

"I'm so sorry..." Narcissa sobbed, her voice laden with regret.

"No, it was my fault," Bellatrix said, pulling away a bit from the embrace. "I should have foreseen your inclination for filthy mudb-"
However, before she could finish her sentence, Andromeda slapped her face. The sound reverberated through the room.

"Don't say that word!" she growled in fury, and for a moment, Cassiopeia saw herself reflected there.

So, it really is something from the Black temperament.

"And how do you want me to call him!?" Bellatrix snapped, irritated, massaging her face with a scowl. "That's what he is, isn't he?"

"Muggle-born, Bellatrix! That's the word," Andromeda retorted fiercely, reaffirming her conviction to fight against the family's beliefs.

"Whatever," Bella huffed childishly as she stepped back, eyeing the portraits on the fireplace and intentionally knocking over those of Ted Tonks.

"Is this your half-blood brat?" she asked, raising an eyebrow with scorn. "I think I fought her at the Ministry. The girl is... Reasonable in dueling."

"Her name is Nymphadora! And speak properly about my daughter," Andromeda shouted, her voice full of indignation.

"Nymphadora?" Bellatrix questioned, starting to laugh uncontrollably until she doubled over with her hands on her knees from laughing so hard. "The nickname is Nimpho?" she laughed, provoking even more.

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