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Y/N WAS FILLED WITH A, huge amount of joy once she recognized the feeling of the car slowing down underneath her, but still, she didn't bother to say anything because she didn't want to die just yet. She was already thinking of many ways to attack once she was finally let out of the car and let out the bag she was in, so she thought and thought about whatever it was that she had in plan just so she could be let free.

The man in front of the woman slowed down a little before he finally stopped the car, his body slightly jolting forward as he did so and his heart shaking through his body as he glanced back at the woman that didn't move a muscle or say anything at all anymore.

"Y/N? You awake...?" The kidnapper questioned, hoping that she could've taken the heat through the bag so he wouldn't have to deal with carrying her passed out body over to his house.

Zoning out by the silence that she gave him for a quick minute, that's when a loud groan that caused the female to flinch came from the boys throat, and he quickly shut himself up once he noticed the little twitch she did just at his voice.

"Dude. You're awake." He scoffed as he slammed his left hand down to the side before he leaned his seat back a little while he whipped his head over to the girl that only cursed to herself as she rolled her E/C eyes at her failed attempt at not complying with her kidnapper.

Throwing his head back against the seat once again, he pursed his lips before he let yet another sigh leave his mouth. "Come on. You blew this for yourself, Y/N. Now let's go. Nothing bad will happen to you if you just listen to me, I'm telling you."

"Fine." Was all she responded with before she began twitching some more, hinting at the fact that she wanted out of the bag to the dark haired boy that only smirked at her a little, glad that she couldn't see the look on his face.

After admiring the woman's bagged body for a few seconds longer, the kidnapper then pulled himself back and turned to the side, his hand making contact with his door handle before he pulled it back and pushed it open with a slight grunt.

He then shot up to his feet, not wasting anymore time and not wanting to be seen by anybody that could've known him. He shut the door behind him and jogged behind the car before he was finally on the other side.

"Finally..." the man whispered to himself as he placed his hand against the door handle once again, this time only having to pull it back so that it would pop open to reveal the bagged female that was preparing herself to scream out.

Leaning his upper body down while his large hands softly brushed against the print of the girls nose through the bag, his grin grew wider and he cupped her head in his hands, "Alright, so when we get out of this car, you just follow my every move, do you understand??"

All Y/N did was nod because she felt that was the only thing she could do at the moment. She didn't know the kind of person her kidnapper was so she didn't even try to make a run for it, and she was starting to contemplate on whether she should start yelling or not at this moment since she was quickly being pulled out of the car and a lot of thoughts were running through her mind.

Whiny grunts came from the woman as she felt the man gently wrapping his arms around her body and allowing her head to rest against his chest, but since she was in the tight bag for a while now, her body ached a little at the new feeling of standing up against the kidnapper, "Oww, stop being so rough...!"

"I'm trying my hardest not to be, baby... I could only imagine how you feel right now so I'm trying to be gentle for you. So just don't move and let me hold you.. and.. don't make so much noise."

That's when her E/C eyes shot open once again and she stiffened up a little at the feeling of the man walking up against her. She realized that she still had a voice and that she could put that to use, so that's exactly what she was going to do, but before she could she felt a hand being slapped against her mouth.

She still had a dark bag over her head, so that only made it worse. She could barley get an utter out. The only things heard from her were muffled and she hated that. She wanted out but she still didn't decide to fight against him. He could've easily been acting and plotting to kill her the entire time and she wouldn't know at all.

"I knew you were about to try some stupid shit." He grumbled underneath his breath, his hold around her torso getting a little more tighter as he practically shoved both him and the woman closer and closer towards his door, "I could feel it in your body Y/N. I'm not an idiot..."

Backing up against the males chest a little, the sound of his voice grew a little deeper and that intimidated her a lot, so she didn't want to go anywhere with him, but then again he was her kidnapper and he was going to make sure she'd go with him since he was far too deep now. There was no going back.

"Stop...! Stop f-fighting it, Y/N...!! Don't be mad at me because you tried to play me like an idiot...!" His breath was shaky as he finally collided her body up against the door in front of her, a groan escaping from her this time as she squished up against the door.

Before the female could make any other movements, the kidnapper already slammed his hand against the door knob and pushed it open before he shoved her in and slammed his door shut, watching as her body collided with the ground this time.

"Now... If you ever try to play me like an idiot again.. I'm sorry, Y/N.. but there will be consequences...!!"

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