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KENJI PUT THE SILVERWARE, back down in the woman's dish before he stood straight up, his eyes landing back on the nervous girl that stared up at him, causing a small smirk to form on his lips since he found her too adorable to look at. Of course he knew he wasn't suppose to be focusing on her looks at the moment, but there were always times where he didn't think he'd be able to hold himself back for any longer, and sometimes he hated himself for that, but other times he loved to melt in the feeling of her skin against his.

"I'll be right back, alright Y/N...?" He pushed a few fingers up to the top of Y/Ns head, feeling the way some of her H/C hair slightly brushed up and down against the ends of his fingers due to the slow nods she began giving him. She just hope that he didn't do anything too crazy to the man, even though he did treat her like absolute shit before.

"Great... You can go ahead and eat your food by yourself. I'll go.. see what's up with him..." Slipping his hand away from her head, that's when he dropped it back down to his side before he turned on his heel, the smile from Y/N immediately wiping away once he finally turned his back on her to see the other male in the house.

While Y/N was currently thinking of herself about what her next move should be, Kenji was barging into the room with his hands balling up into tight fists. He couldn't bare to remind himself of the fact that Daniel was still alive, "Hello, Daniel..."

There sat a tied up man that had bruises all over his body that was also matched with a puffy right eye. He was scared out of his mind and he couldn't even call for help since he had this sort of rag tied across his mouth so he wouldn't be able to speak much. He didn't recognize Kenji either, which made the whole thing so much more freaky to him. He wasn't even thinking of ways he was going to try and leave, he was just activating his fight mode.

"Can't talk??" Kenji laughed a bit before his smile dropped once again, the serious expression making him seem even more sinister than the creepy tone in his voice as the name Daniel rolled off of his tongue before, "Oh, right... You can't.."

Daniel shot out his green eyes before he began to shimmy through his seat, his entire body aching due to the hits Kenji had given him before. He was so tired, so hungry, and just so exhausted, but there was something else that told him he had to fight if he was going to ever leave out of this small place he could also call hell, "Mmhmm..!! Hmmm..!"

Shrugging at the muffled cries out to the darker haired man that only leaned himself back to stop himself from doing anything to insane to the brunette that was bloodied and bruised, he let a long exhale pass his lips as there became a bored look that showed on his handsome features, "Y/N heard you, and she already knows you're here, so..."

That's when the taller male in the set paused with his eyebrows furrowing in before he felt his heart drop in his chest. He didn't know that she'd turn on him so quickly, so it hurt, "H-Hmmm..?"

"That's right, Danny. She doesn't want anything to do with you anymore. You hurt her, so now you're gonna have to pay..." Kenji added on with a gentle smile playing at the ends of his lips while he watched the brunette panic and panic until his chest was puffing in and out from the frustration that built up inside of him.

Shaking his head from side to side as his breaths only began to grow worse, Daniel's finger nails gripped at the sides of his seat, ad he didn't waste anytime in rocking back and forth to gain more of Kenji's attention "Hmmm..?! Nhmmmm!!"

The dark haired boy in front of the victim could only stare him up and down, actually growing curious as to what he had to say since he was genuinely looking more desperate than before. He let a hum vibrate out of his throat before he pushed a few fingers out to the other man, pulling the cloth out of his mouth to allow him to speak, "What??"

"W-What...? You.. you mean... Y-You're gonna kill me over Y/N...??" His voice seemed to be more raspier than the last time the shorter man heard him begging and crying out for him to stop, and he took note of that.

Straining his deep dark eyes at what Daniel finally had to say, that's when he crossed his arms over his body with a little grumble passing his lips. He couldn't believe that the only thing this victim had to say was something disrespectful about Y/N when he was so sure he was on the road to death. It really didn't make any sense to him, "I didn't say I was gonna kill you... But.. that'd actually be a great idea, don't you think?"

"H-Huh?! No...! I don't want that... Please, I- I have a family, a.. home... I.. I have a reason to live too alright?? Just.. just let me go-" he was cut off by the punch that landed against his right eye, making him choke out and yelp in pain, and also earning the attention of an even more nervous Y/N that jumped up at the unexpected sound.

"Look at you... So selfish, even at the end... You're not thinking about Y/N at all, and that's your fucking problem... This is why I always say that I'm the one that's meant for her, not a pathetic little shit like you..."

There were small whines heard from the brusied up male that could only stare at the ground with even more blood seeping down the side of his face due to how hard Kenji punched him in his eye, "God, man..! P-Please...!! I'm.. b-begging you.. I can't-"

"I'm sorry, but... You just gave me a few more reasons why I have to kill you." He took some steps over to the man that whipped his head up at him, his hand making contact with the cloth before he pushed it up, stuffing it back up into his mouth before he took the steps back, turning on his heel with his hand already reaching for the door knob in front of him.

Swinging the door shut as he finally left the room, his eyes turned back to the H/C haired woman only to see that she was completely missing from her seat, resulting in his jaw dropping.

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