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THE KIDNAPPER PLACED HIS, large hand on his victims shoulder, trying to soothe her while she calmly sat on his bed, reading a random book he had given her to make sure she was entertained. She hated knowing that she could be out doing more productive things, but he obviously wouldn't let her, so she didn't make a fuss at all. Plus, this book wasn't too bad and it might've not been such a bad thing to pick up on the hobby or reading once again. She still would've rather been anywhere else than there though, so that sucked for her. Wasn't like she could just walk out the door either.

"So, Y/N." She almost grunted at the smooth sound of Kenjis voice, but she didn't. She had to put up with him if he was going to be the person that fed her and made sure she was okay. Glancing over her shoulder while making eye contact with him, she just hummed to him, wondering what it was he wanted to speak to her about. The silence was going so well for her.

Kenji smiled a bit at the sight of her eyes on his, and he even started blushing, but he didn't say anything about that, he just kept on talking about what he wanted to, "Tell me about your family."

Y/N almost scoffed out in disgust, also fighting the urge to tell him to mind his business, but yet again, she basically sewed her mouth shut so he didn't have a random outburst just from her feedback, "My family? Don't you know everything you need to know about my family. We aren't all that interesting..."

"I know the basics... I was only ever interested in you, anyway. So tell me about your family." He scooted even closer to the girl that could only strain her eyes back at him, genuinely feeling weirded out by him. It wasn't like he didn't usually ask questions like this, there was just something extra off about him. It was almost as if he was hiding something from her.

"What's going on? Why do you want to know about my family all of a sudden??" She murmured to the dark haired male that paused with a chuckle, unsure of what to say next. It was clear she knew something was up, but he still didn't want to confirm her suspicions to her either.

Nodding his head from side to side as he closed his dark eyes with the same laughter from before, Kenji cleared his throat and opened his eyes once again, staring back at the female that raised an eyebrow in suspicion, her mouth still shut while she analyzed his every move, sensing different things about him every here and there. He definitely wasn't good at masking his body language, "What are you talking about? I just want to know more about you. You're mine after all, baby..."

The shorter teen just shivered at the sound of him calling her the same pet name as before, but then she shook that feeling away and simply turned back to her book, opting to not respond with anything, confusing the kidnapper that continued resting his hand on her.

"Baby? What's the matter?" His voice was so gentle and that only angered Y/N even more. He must not have been good at concealing his true body language, sure, but the act of him being a calm and soft person would also make it hard to believe that he would do something so evil. He wouldn't even be on the agenda in the first place, and that's what made this whole thing so much more difficult for her.

Still hearing nothing from the H/C haired girl that let her eyes drag over the words that laid through her books, Kenji then pulled his hand away from her and sighed heavily, that same hand rubbing down the side of his face, "You know, Y/N. Your mother was friends with my mother, and I didn't know that. That's the reason why I wanted to ask about your family. To see if I was missing anything."

"Missing anything??" Y/N asked unbelievably, her eyes a little wide from the knew information she'd just gathered, making sure to keep that in the back of her mind in case it would ever come in handy, "What do you mean missing anything?"

Looking back at the other teen that finally had something to say, Kenji then let a happy look on his face appear, his hand immediately making contact with her soft skin once again, "Just, you know... Missing anything. Neither of us knew that our parents knew each other, so isn't this just crazy?? My little brother also says he's spoken to you a few times."

"Wait, really...?" Y/Ns breath hitched from that, and she internally blamed herself for not seeing the future. She couldn't believe that casually spoken to the brother of the man that kidnapped her, so she knew it was going to fuck with her mentally. She thought it was almost like she could save herself, except she probably couldn't have.

Kenji nodded his head at her, noticing how cold she was getting, but deciding he wouldn't mention it because she probably wasn't in the mood for him to point out the obvious, "His name is Kenzou. Does that ring any bells?"

Perking up against the bed, Y/N finally let out that groan she'd been waiting to let out, and she placed her hands on the side of her face, dropping the book in the process. There was a random pit of rage that grew inside of her, and by now she couldn't hold it in, "God yes! I always knew he was weird...! I should've known, fuck..."

"I don't think my brothers weird... In fact, he's the normal out of the three of us." Kenji stated matter of factly, an offended sound hinted in his smooth voice.

Y/N started shaking, her eyes now wider than ever as she thought of who the other brother could look like. She didn't know why, but she was scared, sad, confused, and angry all at the same time now that he mentioned he had another brother. It was probably because she didn't know if they knew about his evil acts towards her, so that also messed with her mind, "What?? There are three of you...?!"

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