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Y/N SLOWLY OPENED HER E/C, eyes just to feel that there was something soft and firm underneath her cheek. She only fluttered her eyes back shut with a slight shrug since she didn't mind it for a quick minute, but then she realized that she'd just gotten kidnapped by someone, so she flinched back with her eyes shooting open once again, and what she saw was definitely not shocking, but it wasn't very pleasing to her either.

There laid Kenji with his eyes shut and his bare chest out while his chest rose and lowered as he quietly snored to himself. The girl actually couldn't believe that he had the audacity to slip himself under her while she was asleep because she couldn't even protest against him.

She scoffed at the raven haired teen and rolled her E/C eyes before she paused for a moment, her eyebrows knitting at the next through that flew through her mind.

Eyes turning back to the sleeping man before they trailed down against his body, she bit on her bottom lip in shame at what she thought was underneath the dark covers that laid over the lower half of his body. She wasn't trying to be perverted or anything like that. She only wanted to see if he was the pervert because she suspected him of sleeping in nothing underneath.

The female bit down harder on her lip as she pushed her hand out and pressed a hand against the cover before she slowly pulled her hand back, her eyes straining at what was to come.

Once the cover was completely off of the lower half of his body, there was a little gasp that passed her lips because the dark haired male actually had pants on. They were just shorts so that's why she could feel his bare calves against her body. She felt a little guilty for just assuming he'd be some kind of pervert, but then she remembered what happened the night before.

Y/N leaned back with a heavy huff as she tilted her head up, her eyes hitting up against the ceiling before she drowned herself in her thoughts. She didn't know what she was going to do now.

The female kept on thinking to herself before yet another thought popped into her mind, and that's when she got an idea worse than the other before. She was going to try to get away while she can.

Pushing her head back down while her eye glanced at the male that was still in a soft sleep, she slowly began to push herself up to her knees, her body weight causing the bed to shift while she loomed over him as she tried not to make too much noise.

She backed herself up, intently watching the male in front of her so that she couldn't get caught by him already.

The female felt her knee drop down against the edge of the bed, causing yet another gasp to leave her mouth while she whipped her head behind herself, only to see that the ground was right there.

Y/N placed both of her hands on the bed before she continued to back away, her feet gently touching the ground behind her as she kept her E/C eyes on Kenji. She really couldn't believe that she would be leaving just this early, but here she was making her first attempt that she hoped would work.

Pushing her body off of the bed while she watched it continue to shift underneath the man she was once beside, that's when she bit on her bottom lip before she stood still for a few, making sure that he actually wasn't fake sleeping to catch her leaving or something like that.

After a few minutes went by, Y/N finally decided to just leave the sleeping boy be. She turned on her heel with a huge load of excitement and adrenaline rushing through her heart, and just as she was about to bolt for the door not too far from her, a raspy voice hit her ears.

"Y/N. Come back to bed." She froze up at the dark haired man that slowly peeled his dark eyes open before he immediately whipped them up at the girl that only stood in the same spot.

She let out a wince at the sound of covers moving behind her, and all she felt she could do was shut her eyes and hope that she wouldn't get a punishment from the man that walked up behind her.

His warm hands making contact with the side of her arms, the girls eyebrows raised and she only twitched by his action, still praying to herself since she didn't want to die so soon over something she thought was so small.

"You don't have to be scared...." The voice soothed, causing Y/N to relax a little before she realized that what the man was saying could all be a trap.

Listening to the silence that only came from the H/C haired teen that only kept her eyes closed while her entire body buzzed, that's when Kenji began rubbing his hands up and down the sides of her soft arms, "Look at me..."

Y/N slumped over a little before she huffed out once again, her whole body whirling around to the male that smirked at her obedience, "Good morning."

The girl sent him a look of confusion when she heard the greeting that came from him because she expected him to be livid with her, but no. He was calm, and that somehow creeped her out even more.

"No need to be scared of me. I told you that I'd never hurt you, didn't I..?" He pushed his face down to hers while his soft hands trailed down her arms to reach her hands before he then held them with a soft blush rising to his face.

Nodding her head while the dark haired man brought their hands up to his chest, he intertwined their fingers with his dark eyes still on her E/C ones, "Y-Yes..."

"I'm keeping my word, baby... I could never be mad at you for something like this... I mean.. if I was in your position, I know I'd do the same..." The male was so understanding, and Y/N couldn't believe it but she was actually so glad to have a kidnapper like him.

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