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KENJI OPENED THE DOOR, with an almost dull look shown through his eyes, but he didn't want to make it too obvious that he was panicking on the inside, so he just thought to hold onto the girl and make sure he never lets go. He just wished the process of her falling crazily inlove with him as well would go quicker, because he knew he wouldn't be able to take any of this for much longer. He wanted her all to himself, but he wasn't sure if she was ready to commit so fast. Infact, he knew she wasn't, it wasn't anything other than that, and it really did hurt him.

Kicking off his shook before he tossed them to the side, that's when a heavy breather of air left the ravenette as he walked through the small home that still needed some decorating to it, only thinking of a certain person he was immediately ready to cuddle although he was sure she wouldn't want it, "Y/N, I'm home!!"

He continued walking until he reached his room, his eyes narrowing at the darkness that overcame that room. He didn't question it though, the only thing he was worried about was the fact that he didn't get a reply from the young woman, "Y/N...? Are you awake..?"

Once Kenji didn't get a respond from the other teen, his heart almost sank while he clenched his jaw, imagining the millions of possibilities that could've happened from him deciding to leave her on her own so early. Fingers beginning to twitch while he stared into the darkness, growing deeper into the evil thoughts within his mind, he then stopped and paused at the sight of the dark covers rumbling a bit.

There was a slight breath hitch that came from the man that threw his head back before a large smile grew against his mouth, "Jesus... You really scared me, you know that Y/N...?"

Still, the man didn't hear a response, and that caused him to tilt his head back down while he stared at the blanket infront of him, wondering how deep in a sleep the H/C haired teen was in since he wasn't answering him at all. He shrugged and began walking towards the covers until he sat himself down and scooted beside the girl underneath the blanket.

Grabbing some of the cover away from her, that's when his eyes widened and a blush grew against his cheeks when he saw that she was sound asleep with a frown on her mouth. It looked like she went to sleep in some kind of mood, but for some reason Kenji found that super adorable.

After he finished staring deeply at her sleeping face, he pulled some of the cover over him and faced the woman he loved, his heart beat getting quicker and quicker with each small snore she did. Slender fingers reaching up to the side of her face, he then ran his hand down her cheek, a lovesick look now forming over his face. He wouldn't know what he'd do without her, and he was glad that he had her, he was just so irritated with him, but she still calmed him down.

He inched his face closer and closer to hers, feeling her soft breaths hit against his skin while he kept his eyes inspected all over her, his hand now trailing down the side of her neck, "You're just so pretty.... I want to kiss you..."

That's when Kenji froze up and parted his lips, realizing that he could easily kiss her right then and there if he wanted to. It wasn't like she would feel it since she was asleep, is what he told himself. So he shrugged and pushed his face further towards Y/Ns, his lips perking out as he fluttered his dark eyes shut.

Kenji stayed in that same position for the longest time before he gave in, his lips pressing against hers for a split second until the ravenette pulled back and licked his lips lovingly, "Wow. That was..."

He didn't even know what to say, or even what to do. He just stared at her, noticing that she was still sound asleep, and for some reason, that's when he got the thought to give her a few more kisses. The best he could do was hope that she wouldn't awake to him kissing her without her consent. It wouldn't be like she would have anywhere else to run at all because she was now in his possession whether she liked it or not.

Puckering his lips once again, Kenji shut his eyes and placed his lips against hers for another time, only this time he kept his lips there for longer, and even began moving them.

Adrenaline rushed through his bones as he slightly twisted his head to the side, the feeling of his dick growing within his pants as he did so. He ignored the feeling though because he wasn't planning on doing anything to extreme to Y/N. He only wanted to feel her lips on his, and he didn't want to wait for it anymore.

Kenji breathed heavily while he continued staying into the one sided kiss, his whole body getting hot before he pulled himself back, making sure that he wouldn't get too carried away. While he caught his breath for the last time, his dark eyes landed on the sight of Y/Ns bare skin, and then he got the idea to mark her.

When that single thought flashed through the man's mind, he could've sworn he heard someone telling him even worse thoughts that would lead up to him doing something he didn't want to do, so he just pursed his lips before he shut his eyes.

That didn't seem like enough though, so he just turned himself around so now his back was facing the young woman that stayed asleep, unaware of what had just happened to her.

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