Attack at Red Fountain

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Child when I tell you I'm tired, I'm exhausted. That princess or queen whatever I don't care was a piece of work, but luckly we got Brandon back safe which was a relief , because he's the only one that can 'tame' Stella crazy-ness per-say. It was finally time to head back to Alfea.

The Red Fountain ship flies towards Alfea and lands on the quad. I look outside the window to see Flora, Musa, and Tecna run over to meet the ship.They yelled at us and welcomed us back and we laughed and ran over to them. I go up and hug Musa then Flora. I look over and see Aisha reunites with Piff.

"Oh, hey, these are the pixies, you guys." I said as I gestured to them and I played with Melora's hair as she's still on my shoulder.

"How fascinating. Is that actual pixidium? Oh, my, how adorable!" Tecna said as Digit flew over to her and they bonded. "Tecna, this is Digit," Aisha introduced.

Tune flew over to Musa, and they bonded."My name is Tune, I am the pixies of manners. I love your hairstyle, it's so, umm, unique." I laughed at her, I do need to talk to Musa about that hair. Musa laughed and said, "Thanks, it's like my signature."

And finally Chatta flew over to Flora and they bonded."So, you're name is Flora. Do you have a boyfriend? I bet you do. What's his name? Is he a big time cutie?" Flora looked a little sad and said, "I'm sort of flying solo." I walked over to her and gave her a squeeze. We were gonna get her a boyfriend. "Don't worry, we're gonna get you one before the semester's up. Wanna hear about our adventure? I was so brave! I fought this gigantic snake!"

"Let's go inside, you guys, and I'll give you a tour of the school, okay?" I smiled. Melora looked excited, " We wanna see your room."
"Okay, but I have to warn you, it's probably a mess. At least it was when I left, what with my laundry and sketches everywhere.

We arrived to our room after we gave the pixies a tour of Alfea. Tune, Layla, and Musa dance together. Tecna and Digit play video games. Livvy flies around on her scroll, Flora is reading, and Bloom sits with Lockette. And I was sitting at my sketch table with Melora.

"Wow you are so talented," she smile

"Thank you, how are you feeling Mel?" she smiled at me


"You called me Mel, I liked that" she said as she tried to fix her hair.

"Do you need some help Mel?" she nodded her head and thats what I did until we were called into Ms.Faragonda's office.


"I've sent Livvy to the pixie elder's secret hideaway to ask that they come and join us at Alfea immediately. After speaking with Lockette and Chatta last night about this character who calls himself Lord Darkar, I'm gravely concerned we're up against a most dangerous force. Now then."A screen appears behind us.

"Have you ever heard the story of the destruction of Spheria? In a single day, the entire realm was annihilated by a dark force, stronger than anything ever seen before." we were all shocked and I said, "We read about that in class. It was the biggest disaster the Magical Universe had ever seen." I mention and Faragonda said, "Yes, and it was the direct result of someone tampering with dark forces in the Under-realm. A man named Argulus went there to take control of the Shadow Fire, but it was the Shadow Fire that ended up taking control of him." And Aisha said, "When you say the Shadow Fire took control of him, do you mean it took him over, or something like that?"

"Yes, that's exactly right. For you see, girls, there are certain powers that are so strong that they develop a will of their own, and anyone who tries to control them ends up being controlled by them.

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