Chapter -2

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Dwani pov :

Today is my first day of college, and I woke up early in the morning to get ready. I did my morning chores and put on my favorite pink suit, which was gifted to me by my uncle from the orphanage on my 17th birthday. I felt really special wearing it. Looking out of my room window, I could see the beautiful garden near the hostel. The atmosphere there was peaceful, so I decided to take a walk around the campus to familiarize myself with the various departments. Since it was early in the morning, there weren't many people around yet.

As I walked, I noticed that Shruthi, my roommate, was still sleeping. I woke her up and reminded her that breakfast time was nearing. Upon hearing me, she rushed to the washroom to get ready. Unfortunately, I hadn't paid for the mess fees, so I couldn't eat breakfast at the hostel. Instead, I packed my bags and headed to college. On my way, I filled my empty water bottle and bought a packet of biscuits. I had a small amount of money with me, which would be enough for my expenses for this month. Next month, I would start receiving my salary, so I felt relieved about that.

Arriving at the college entrance, I took a moment to pray to Lord Krishna, as this was where my dream of becoming a doctor would begin. As I entered, I noticed some seniors ragging the juniors. I had heard that this was common in colleges, and we were expected to obey whatever the seniors asked of us. Although I was afraid, being naturally shy and nervous when interacting with new people, I walked cautiously towards my classroom, which was located on the first floor.

On my way, a group of seniors called me over. With trembling legs and a racing heart, I approached them. They asked for my name, and I replied, "Dwani." Then they requested me to sing a song, which I did. Afterward, they allowed me to enter the class, and with a happy smile, I took a sigh of relief. It turned out to be a friendly ragging session. I proceeded to my classroom and looked around. The first two benches were empty, so I decided to occupy the second bench.

As I sat there, I observed my classmates, but no one initiated a conversation with me. They were all busy with their own tasks. After some time, a girl named Priyanka came and sat beside me. She introduced herself as a day scholar and asked for my name. We exchanged basic information and talked for a while. In the midst of our conversation, the professor arrived to take attendance. With the morning session completed, Priyanka became my benchmate for the rest of the year. It was a great start to my journey towards my dream.

Now it was lunchtime, and everyone was heading to the cafeteria. Priyanka invited me to join her, but I politely declined, explaining that I had to eat at the hostel to save money. I took out my packet of biscuits and water and found a spot in the nearby park to enjoy my meal. While eating, I couldn't help but notice a group of seniors sitting together, laughing and having fun. I longed for friendships like theirs. Lost in my thoughts, I must have been staring at them because they noticed me and called me over. I approached them, and they asked why I had been looking at them. Feeling a bit embarrassed, I simply replied, "Nothing." They then asked for my basic information and left. There were three boys and two girls in the group, but I didn't know their names.

After lunch, I returned to class, where Priyanka told me about the variety of food available in the cafeteria. The descriptions made my mouth water, but I knew I couldn't afford to eat there like the others. As the classes finished for the day, I bid farewell to Priyanka and headed back to my hostel. After putting away my college belongings in the cupboard, I made my way to the restaurant where I had started working. It was time for my new job.

Vedant pov:

I woke up early in the morning, feeling refreshed and ready for the day ahead. I quickly completed my morning chores and joined my parents for breakfast. In our household, it was a mandatory tradition to eat together in the morning, and I appreciated the warmth and love that filled the dining table. I always preferred home-cooked meals over eating out.

After breakfast, I grabbed my lunchbox from my mom and hopped on my bike to head to college. It was a routine I followed every day. Although my parents were the owners of the college, I kept my identity as their son a secret, even from my friends. I wanted to be treated just like any other student.

As I arrived at the college parking area, I spotted my friends Adithya and Riya already there. We had a designated spot where we always parked our bikes. We waited for Sneha and Deepak, who soon joined us. We exchanged greetings and then proceeded to the department building. On our way, we engaged in some light-hearted ragging with a few students, just to add some fun to the day.

Once we reached our class, we settled down and prepared for the day's activities. Later in the afternoon, we decided to head to our favorite spot in the park for lunch. We didn't enjoy the cafeteria food, so we preferred buying food from outside and eating it there. As we sat together, we discussed our vacation experiences and our academic plans for the upcoming semester.

During our conversation, Sneha noticed a girl who seemed to be observing us. Intrigued, I turned to look at her. She wore a pink suit and exuded an innocent and cute vibe. Sneha called her over, and we introduced ourselves. Her name was Dwani, and she was a fresher. I noticed that she appeared nervous and avoided making eye contact, so I asked Riya to give her some space. After that, we continued our conversation and made our way back to the classroom.

As fourth-year students, we had the responsibility of organizing the freshers' party. Our class mentor approached me and my friends, asking us to plan the event. We decided on a traditional theme party where all the freshers would be required to wear sarees and shirt veshtis. They would have to participate in various activities assigned by us, and in return, we would reward them with gifts. Due to the delayed start of the college year caused by the pandemic, we didn't have much time for an extravagant celebration, so we opted for a simple yet enjoyable party.

After discussing our plan with the mentor, we headed to a nearby shop to order the gifts for the freshers. Once the task was complete, I bid farewell to my friends and made my way home. Excitedly, I shared the party theme idea with my parents, and they liked it. With their approval, I retired to my room and drifted off to sleep, looking forward to the upcoming freshers' party.

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