Chapter -26

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Dwani pov

As the days ticked away, the anxiety within me only grew stronger. It had been a whole month since our exams had concluded, and the impending result announcement was now just around the corner. The anticipation was almost unbearable, and I found myself constantly worrying about how I had performed.

Vedant, on the other hand, seemed to be the epitome of calmness. He exuded confidence and assurance that he would secure the top position in the exams.

I remember one particular day when my nerves got the better of me, and I confided in Vedant about my fears. "Vedant, I can't help but feel so nervous about the results. What if I haven't done well enough? What if I fail.

With a reassuring smile, Vedant placed a hand on my shoulder and said, "Dwani, take a deep breath. I understand how you're feeling, but you need to trust in your abilities. You've put in the effort and worked hard for these exams. I have no doubt that you will get good marks."

"But what if I haven't write enough? What if I made mistakes in the exams?" I continued to worry aloud.

Vedant chuckled softly, his confidence unwavering. "Dwani, we all make mistakes; it's a part of being human. But don't underestimate yourself. I've seen your dedication and your potential. I believe in you, and you should too. Whatever the results may be, know that you gave it your best shot."

His words offered some comfort, and for a moment, I felt a glimmer of hope. Vedant's belief in me was like a guiding light, leading me out of the darkness of self-doubt. Perhaps he was right. Instead of letting anxiety consume me, I needed to focus on the hard work I had put in and the knowledge I had acquired.

As the day of the results approached, Vedant's confidence seemed to have a calming effect on me. While I still felt nervous, his unwavering support helped me find some semblance of peace. Whatever the outcome, I knew that I had  Vedant, someone who believed in me even when I struggled to believe in myself. And that meant the world to me.

To ease my nervousness vedant sir parents arranged a dinner in a famous restaurant. As we sat down for dinner, the warm ambiance of the restaurant provided a slight distraction from the impending result anxiety. Jeyaram uncle and Parvathy aunty, Vedant's parents, were always very kind and caring towards me. Their presence brought a sense of comfort, and the delicious food lifted my spirits a bit.

Amidst our casual conversation, Jeyaram uncle suddenly shared some concerning news. He revealed that his elder brother, who lived in America, was ill and wanted to meet Vedant after the exam results were out. Jeyaram uncle looked at Vedant and said with a mix of worry and hope, "Vedant, your uncle is not doing well. He's been asking about you, and I think it would be good if you could visit him. It will mean a lot to him."

Vedant's expression changed for a moment, showing concern for his uncle's health. He nodded thoughtfully and replied, "Of course, Dad. I'll try my best to visit him as soon as possible after the results are out."

Parvathy aunty chimed in, "Yes, it's important to be with family during such times. We'll plan the trip accordingly, so you can go and spend some time with your uncle. Dwani you can also come with us."

Feeling a bit left out of the conversation and also hesitant about my own situation, I interjected, "That sounds like a meaningful trip, but I don't have a passport, so I won't be able to join you all."

Jeyaram uncle turned towards me with a reassuring smile, "Oh, Dwani, don't worry about that. We can help you get a passport quickly if need be. It's just a matter of some paperwork and formalities. We wouldn't want you to miss the chance to be there with us."

His offer was heartwarming, and I felt grateful for their consideration. Still, the anxiety of the upcoming results and the urgency to get a passport added to my stress. I hesitated for a moment and then replied, "Thank you so much for your kind offer."

Vedant chimed in, supporting my decision, "Exactly,  appa Dwani should wait until the results are out before making any plans. Let's see how everything unfolds."

Jeyaram uncle nodded understandingly, "Alright, that sounds fair. We'll keep it open and see how things go. The most important thing right now is to focus on the results. Dwani, Vedant, I have full faith in both of you. I'm sure you both have done well." Then they drop me at my home.

Vedant pov

As the days drew closer to the exam result announcement, I noticed Dwani's anxiety growing day by day. Her nerves were clearly on edge, and it was evident that she was worried about the outcome. I, on the other hand, remained confident in her abilities. Having known Dwani for so long, I had seen her dedication and hard work firsthand, and I genuinely believed that she would perform well.

During one of our conversations, Dwani opened up about her worries, expressing her fear of disappointing herself and her loved ones. I could understand her feelings all too well; exam results can be a source of immense pressure. However, I wanted to be a source of support and encouragement for her. So i encourage her with my words.

As we were having dinner, my father decided to share some concerning news with me. He informed me about my uncle's illness in America and suggested that it would be meaningful for me to visit him after the exam results were out. He emphasized the importance of family and being there for our loved ones in difficult times.

"Dad, I understand," I replied with a mix of concern and gratitude. "I'll definitely try to visit Uncle after the results are announced. Family comes first, and I want to be there for him."

My father smiled warmly, appreciating my response, and then turned towards Dwani, who had been listening to our conversation attentively. "Dwani, you should consider coming with us as well. It will be a meaningful trip."

Dwani seemed touched by my father's offer, but she hesitated and replied, "Thank you so much for your kind offer, but I would like to wait and see how the results turn out before making any commitments. It's really considerate of you to offer help with the passport, though."

My father nodded understandingly, "Of course, Dwani. Take your time, and we'll keep the option open. If you decide to join us, we'll make sure to help you with the passport process. The most important thing right now is the exam results, so let's focus on that first."

Throughout the dinner, my father continued to be supportive and understanding of Dwani's decision. He made sure not to press her further about the trip and instead, encouraged her to concentrate on the upcoming results.

As we finished our meal, I couldn't help but feel grateful for my father's consideration and support. His understanding nature and willingness to accommodate others' needs always impressed me. Dwani seemed to appreciate it as well, as she felt more at ease knowing that the decision about the trip could be made after the results were out. Then we dropped her first at her house then went to our home.

The days that followed were filled with anticipation and excitement, not only about the results but also about the possibility.

What do you all think dwani will top the exam or pass with good exam or fail?

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