Chapter -23

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Dwani pov

I couldn't believe how much my life had changed after that day with Vedant's parents. The incident brought us closer, and they started showing genuine concern for my well-being. It was heartwarming to see how they cared for me as if I were a part of their own family.

The calls from Vedant sir parents became a regular occurrence, checking in on me and making sure I was doing well. They were delighted to learn that I was staying at their house, and they graciously accepted me as their guest. It was an incredible feeling to be embraced by such warm and loving people.

One of the best parts of their visits was when we all went out to dinner together. Those moments felt like I was a part of a real family, and we enjoyed each other's company as if we had known each other for years. The conversations were filled with laughter, stories, and shared experiences, creating memories that I would cherish forever.

As Vedant's parents expressed their concern about my job at the restaurant and suggested that I quit, I knew I had to be honest with them about my aspirations and desires. With utmost respect and gratitude for their care, I politely declined their suggestion.

I understood that their intentions were rooted in their love and concern for me. They wanted to see me focus on my studies and have a better future. However, I also knew that my job at the restaurant was essential for me to pursue my dreams of furthering my education with my hard-earned money.

So, with a heartfelt tone, I said, "Thank you so much for your care and concern. I truly appreciate how you treat me like family and want the best for me. However, I have a dream of continuing my studies, and my job at the restaurant is the means through which I can achieve that dream. I promise to balance my work and studies diligently, and I will make sure that my education does not suffer because of it. Your support means the world to me, and I hope you can understand why this job is essential for my future."

As I finished speaking, I awaited their response with a mixture of nervousness and hope. Deep down, I hoped that they would respect my decision and understand the importance of this opportunity for me to achieve my dreams. Finally they agreed to continue my job.

Tomorrow is the first day of our exams, and I can feel the nerves building up inside me. It's the time of the year when all our hard work and preparation will be put to the test. Vedant sir, who is in his final year, is also facing his exams. I care deeply about his success, so I asked him to focus on studying and assured him that we can meet after his exams are over. However, he seems determined to visit me daily, even during this crucial period.

Since our odd years have exams on different days, I came up with a plan to compromise. I told Vedant sir that I would wait for him in the park every afternoon after my exams are finished, so we can spend some time together. It'll be a good way to support him during his exams and relax together after each of our tough days.

In preparation for my exams, I had to take leave from the restaurant where I work. I knew it was essential to fully concentrate on my studies during this critical time. I hope my decision pays off, and I can achieve the results I've been working so hard for.

Now, I must focus on reviewing my notes and getting a good night's sleep before the exams begin. I'm both excited and anxious about what the future holds, but I believe with dedication and determination  everything will turn out well.

Vedant pov

Every passing day, my love for Dwani only grows stronger. She has become an integral part of my life, and I can't imagine a day without her presence. I cherish every moment we spend together, and I long to see her whenever we are apart.

One of the most heartwarming aspects of our relationship is the way my parents have embraced Dwani as one of their own. Their love and care towards her are evident in the time they spend together and the dinners we all share as a family. It brings me immense joy to witness how their bond has developed, almost like she has become their own daughter.

Knowing that Dwani feels a sense of belonging and love, despite being an orphan, is truly heartening. My parents' nurturing nature has created a warm and supportive environment for her, where she can forget the hardships of her past and embrace the love of a caring family.

I feel blessed to have Dwani in my life, and seeing her happy and loved brings me immeasurable happiness.  I am determined to make her feel cherished and loved every single day.

I was taken aback when my parents tried to persuade Dwani to quit her job at the restaurant. They probably had good intentions, thinking that focusing solely on studies would be better for her. However, Dwani's response completely caught me by surprise.

As she firmly declined their suggestion, stating that she wanted to continue her job to fund her education, I couldn't help but be impressed by her determination and independence. It showed her strong will and dedication towards her studies, and it revealed a side of her that I hadn't seen before.

Her willingness to work hard and earn her own money to support her education demonstrated responsibility and maturity, qualities that I found truly admirable. It was evident that Dwani was not someone who would back down easily from challenges and was determined to carve her own path in life.

In that moment, I felt a sense of admiration and respect for Dwani. I saw her in a different light, and my feelings for her deepened. Her commitment to her dreams and her refusal to compromise her aspirations for convenience or comfort impressed me greatly. It made me realize that she was someone worth cherishing and supporting in her journey.

From that day on, I decided to be there for Dwani, to encourage her and stand by her side as she pursued her dreams, knowing that she had the strength and determination to achieve whatever she set her mind to. Dwani had become an inspiration to me, and I knew that our bond would only grow stronger as we walked this path together.

As the exams approached, Dwani and I decided it would be best for me to study at home. She was concerned that seeing each other too often might become a distraction. Although I understood her reasoning, I couldn't imagine going through the exam period without catching a glimpse of her face every day. She was my motivation, and her presence energized me.

So, I mustered up the courage and insisted that we find a way to meet. After some convincing, she finally agreed, and we decided to meet at the park.

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