Chapter -4

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Dwani pov:

After college, I hurriedly walked to the restaurant today because I was late. I went to the library after my first lab as I had some doubts about certain topics, so I thought of referring to some books. When I entered the restaurant, there were only a few people, so I relaxed and went to change my uniform. There were only three servers, including me, and four kitchen staff in the restaurant. My other colleagues, Niroop and Swathi, are good people who told me what I needed to do since I arrived late. Then, I went to the tables to start my work.

While I was serving one of the tables, suddenly the restaurant door opened, and I turned to see who had come in. There stood the five seniors I had heard about, Vedant, Adithya, Deepak, Riya, and Sneha. They were the most popular students in college. They entered our owner's cabin, and I didn't know what they were doing. I continued with my job, and after some time, our owner called me and Niroop inside the cabin. Swathi stayed back as someone had to serve the customers.

When I entered, all five seniors looked at me. I turned to my owner, and he informed us that we received an order to prepare lunch for the college students. We discussed the menu, and they mentioned many different types of food that I had never eaten in my entire life. Finally, they decided on veg pulao, Gobi Manchurian, bread halwa with salad, and ice cream. After finalizing the order, we returned to our work.

It was almost time for my shift to be over, and there were only a few customers left. I was just chatting with Niroop when I noticed senior Vedant approaching me. He came near and asked if I could get the bill from the owner and give it to him tomorrow. I said yes, and then he went back to his friends. Swathi asked me what he was asking, and I explained to her that they were my seniors in college and also about the bill.

After my shift was over, I went to the owner to get the bill. After waiting for some time, he handed it to me. I headed towards the kitchen where Swathi and Niroop were waiting for me. We ate some leftovers, and then the three of us walked to our respective places. Since my hostel was nearby, they dropped me off at my front gate before leaving. When I entered the hostel, I saw Shruthy there, busy chatting with her friends on her mobile phone. She smiled at me when she saw me and asked about my job and whether it was safe to come to the hostel at this hour. I reassured her that I had two people with me who would drop me off, and she nodded before continuing her work.

Feeling all sweaty, I decided to take a bath. The water touching my body made me feel relaxed. After that, I washed my clothes and went to my room. Shruthy asked me about some doubts from today's lab. I referred to the books I got from the library, and we discussed some more topics before calling it a night.

Vedant pov:

After college, we all decided to order some food, so we went to a restaurant near our college. As we entered, I noticed a girl who had a striking resemblance to the ones I find cute. Curiosity got the better of me, and I headed straight to the owner's cabin to explain our purpose for visiting. Adithya and I elaborated on our freshers party plans and our lunch order.

After some thought, the owner called over a boy and a girl from his staff. To my surprise, I recognized the innocent face of the girl who had caught my attention in the park earlier. I wasn't mistaken; she was the same person. I wondered why she was working here. It intrigued me.

After discussing the food arrangements, Riya and Deepak, who were the food enthusiasts of our group, started suggesting various dishes. I interrupted them and finalized a simple menu. Once the menu was settled, the manager asked the girl and the boy to leave the room. As they left, we continued our discussion regarding the payment and the bill.

I suggested to the manager that he give the bill to Dwani, our junior, as we would see her regularly in the park. Afterward, I left the cabin and saw Dwani at the counter, engaged in a conversation with another girl. I approached her and asked if she could bring the bill to me the following day. She agreed, and I informed my friends about this arrangement. They were fine with it.

We then made our way to the parking lot, bidding each other goodbye. I started my bike and headed home. Upon entering, I found my parents waiting for me in the dining hall. My mother asked why I was late, and I explained the lunch arrangement to her. We had dinner together, and afterward, I retreated to my room.

Thoughts of the girl from the restaurant lingered in my mind. Why was she working there? Was she struggling financially? If so, how could she afford to study in our private college, which had relatively high fees? Perhaps she was a scholarship student. I shook off these thoughts, reminding myself that it was none of my business.

To distract myself, I picked up my mobile phone and watched some funny videos on YouTube. I also chatted with my friends in our group for a while. Suddenly, my phone vibrated, indicating a call from my grandma. I answered the call, and she mentioned how much she missed me. I assured her that I would visit her this weekend.

With that settled, I plugged my phone into the charger and drifted off to sleep, allowing the events of the day and the enigmatic girl to fade into the background.

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