Chapter -15

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Dwani pov

After finishing my shift at the restaurant, Riya and I headed towards the changing room to get ready to leave. We said goodbye to Niroop and made our way outside. However, our path was blocked by someone, and when I turned to see who it was, I was surprised to find Vedant sir standing there. I tried to walk past him, but he didn't give me a chance. Instead, he told Riya that he would drop me home.

I glared at him, but Riya left, giving me some mischievous smiles. Vedant sir asked me to sit in his car, and although I hesitated, I eventually gave in because I couldn't forget my feelings for him. He drove towards the park near his house, which was also close to where I used to stay.

Suddenly, he kneeled down in front of me and apologized for not helping me on the party day. I forgave him, and then he pulled out a red rose and asked me to be his girlfriend. I was shocked because I never expected Vedant sir to propose to me, but now it was happening, and tears escaped my eyes. Finally, my one-sided crush was becoming a reality, and I accepted his proposal without any hesitation. I also confessed that I liked him too. He was overjoyed.

Then he asked me to move in his house, and after thinking for a moment, I agreed. We went to Riya's apartment, and I knocked on her door with Vedant sir waiting downstairs. She asked me about him, and I told her about the entire incident and his proposal. She was happy for me. I went to my room, packed my bag, and came downstairs. Riya also came to drop me off and warned Vedant sir, saying, "Never think of cheating on her, or both me and Niroop will beat you to a pulp!" She flexed her biceps, and I couldn't help but laugh at her antics.

Then we headed to Vedant sir's house. On the way, we bought some groceries because he was very hungry and wanted to eat the food I would cook. When we arrived, I went to grab my bag, but he told me to go and start cooking while he arranged everything in the bedroom.

As I was washing the vegetables, Vedant sir asked me where I used to sleep when I stayed there before. I pointed towards the floor. Then he asked me to take a half-day leave from college because he wanted to take me somewhere. I agreed, saying okay.

Vedant pov

As I sat in front of the restaurant, anxiously waiting, I caught a glimpse of Dwani and another girl exiting the restaurant and heading towards the auto stop. Without thinking twice, I hurriedly approached them and blocked their way. Despite my attempt to stop her, Dwani tried to walk past me, but I managed to prevent her from doing so. I asked her friend to leave and assured her that I would drop Dwani home.

I urged Dwani to sit in the car, but she seemed hesitant and unmoving. Feeling desperate, I pleaded with her, expressing how sorry I was and how foolish I had been for not defending her earlier. I promised her that I would never again avoid or neglect her in any situation. Eventually, she relented and sat inside the car.

As I sat in the car with Dwani, driving towards the park near my grandma's house, my heart was pounding. I knew I had to make things right, to prove to her that I had changed and that she could trust me. When we arrived at the park, I took a deep breath and kneeled down in front of her, feeling a mix of nerves and hope.

"I am an idiot and selfish for not defending you that day," I confessed, my voice filled with remorse. "I apologize for my foolishness, and I promise you that I will never avoid you in any kind of situation again. I want to be there for you, always." "I love you ".

Dwani's eyes filled with tears as she listened to my words. I panicked for a moment, worried that I had upset her even more, but then she spoke. She forgave me. The weight on my shoulders lifted, and a smile spread across my face as she accepted my proposal. She told me that she also liked me, and I felt like I was on cloud nine. I couldn't believe that she felt the same way.

After our emotional moment, I suggested that Dwani move back to my house so that we could spend more time together. It took her some time to think about it, but eventually, she agreed. We went to her friend's apartment to collect her belongings, and her friend warned me never to cheat on her. I reassured her that I would never do such a thing. Dwani was the most important person to me now, and I would do everything in my power to make her happy and keep her safe.

On the way back, I realized that I missed Dwani's cooking. I was hungry, so I asked her if she could cook something for me. She agreed, and we stopped by a grocery store to pick up some ingredients before heading to the house. I asked Dwani to start cooking while I took care of arranging her clothes.

But as I entered the room, I noticed that there was no bed or cupboard. It struck me then that I hadn't even considered the living arrangements for Dwani when I asked her to stay with me. Guilt washed over me as I thought about her sleeping on the floor during this cold weather. I should have paid attention to these small details; it was entirely my fault.

I knew I had to rectify the situation immediately. Dwani deserved better, and now that she was my girlfriend, it was my responsibility to take care of her. She had only me now, and I needed to do everything in my power to provide for her. I mentally note that I would buy her some clothes and make arrangements for a proper bedding setup.

Realizing that I need to take her shopping tomorrow  I suggested her that  she should take a half-day leave from college. I wanted her to feel comfortable and safe in our home. It was the least I could do to make up for my previous mistakes and show her that I was serious about being there for her.

As I set out to fulfill my promises, a renewed sense of determination filled me. Dwani had given me a second chance, and I was determined to make every moment count.

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