Chapter -21

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Dwani pov

After Vedant Sir's birthday, we started spending more time together. His friends apologized to me for what happened in his birthday.He took me to watch movies and visit the beach. As the end of the semester approached, we all focused on our studies for the upcoming exams. In the meantime, Vedant Sir took me to visit his grandparents. Over the course of a month, I grew close to his grandparents and friends. I often went to his grandparents' home to spend time with them. Although I hadn't met his parents yet, Grandma told me that they were super cool and nice people. I was looking forward to meeting them. I also visited Vedant Sir's friends' houses, and they all welcomed me warmly.

Now I'm in my third year of college, and Vedant Sir is doing his internship at the college hospital, so he's quite busy. I hardly get any time to meet him, so every day, I pass his lunch to one of his friends. I also made a best friend in my class, Priyanka. We are inseparable and always together.

As usual, today I went to college and, after passing Vedant Sir's lunch, I sat with Priyanka in our class. We chatted for a while before the professor arrived and the class started. During the lunch break, I went to our usual meeting spot, fully aware that Vedant Sir was busy with his internship and couldn't join me. But I still waited for him there every day. Today, however, he didn't come. After finishing my lunch, I returned to my class.

When I entered the classroom, I saw Meera, a classmate from a wealthy family, screaming and causing a scene. When she noticed me, she glared at me angrily. I nudged Priyanka and asked her what was happening. She told me that Meera had lost some money from her purse and was accusing us of stealing it. As soon as she saw me, she started walking towards me and said, "I know you're an orphan and very poor, desperate for money." Tears welled up in my eyes because I knew what she was insinuating—that I was the one who had stolen her money.

She started mocking me in front of the whole class. I tried to defend myself, telling her that I hadn't taken her money, but she didn't listen. Instead, she reached for my bag, intending to search it. I couldn't allow her to take my bag because it contained photos of Vedant Sir and some money I had saved from my hard work. Somehow, she managed to snatch my bag and started emptying its contents onto the ground. I rushed towards the scattered items, trying to gather them, but she kept proclaiming that this was her stolen money.

Hearing her accusations, I couldn't hold back my tears and started crying loudly. Suddenly, I felt someone's arms wrap around me. I turned around and hugged Vedant Sir tightly, continuing to cry. After consoling me, he asked what had happened, but before I could respond, Meera told him that I had stolen her money.

Upon hearing this, Vedant Sir immediately called the office and retrieved the CCTV footage of the classroom. As everyone watched the video, it became clear that one of Meera's friends had taken her money. However, given the chaotic situation in the classroom, all the staff, including the principal, came to the class.

The principal asked us to come to his cabin, and Vedant Sir, along with his friends, Meera, and the friend who stole the money, entered the cabin. The principal asked what had happened, and Vedant Sir explained everything to him. The principal then punished Meera and her friend before asking them to leave.

Suddenly, the principal turned to Vedant Sir and asked, "What are you doing here?" To everyone's surprise, Vedant Sir replied, "Dad, I missed Dwani, so I came to visit her." I was shocked, and not just me, but even Vedant Sir's friends had a stunned expression on their faces.

Vedant pov

As the days pass by, I find myself overwhelmed with my internship at the hospital. I'm grateful for the opportunity to learn and prepare for my future role in taking over the hospital, but it has left me with very little time for anything else, including spending time with Dwani.

I often think about Dwani and the special moments we shared on my birthday. Taking her to meet my grandparents was a big step, and I'm glad they liked her. It's heartwarming to know that she enjoys spending time with them even when I can't be there. I haven't yet told her about my parents, and I'm uncertain about how she and my friends would react when they find out.

Despite my busy schedule, I try my best to stay connected with Dwani. Whenever I have a spare moment, I make an effort to call or message her. I appreciate her dedication in preparing my lunch every day, even when I'm unable to see her as often as I would like.

I wish I could do more for Dwani and spend more time together, but I hope she understands the demands of my current responsibilities. I look forward to the end of my internship, when I can finally have more time to cherish moments with Dwani and catch up on the experiences we missed during this busy period.Today my schedule is not so busy so i thought of visiting dwani after eating my lunch in cafeteria i directly went to the college building

As I entered Dwani's class, my heart sank at the sight of her crying on the ground, desperately trying to gather some money and photos. I quickly approached one of the students to inquire about the situation, and they informed me that a girl named Meera had accused Dwani of stealing her money. My mind raced, and I scanned the classroom, noticing the presence of a camera.

In a state of urgency, I messaged my friends to join me in Dwani's class, and I immediately called the office to request the CCTV footage. It was essential to gather all the evidence and find out the truth behind these accusations. As the commotion escalated, even the principal arrived at the scene. He summoned Dwani, Meera, the girl who allegedly stole the money, and my friends to his cabin.

Inside the principal's office, he asked for an explanation, and I took a deep breath to gather my thoughts. I proceeded to recount the entire incident, providing all the details and evidence that pointed to the true culprit. It became clear from the CCTV footage that it was indeed one of Dwani's friends who had stolen the money.

The principal promptly dismissed both Meera and the girl who committed the theft. As the tension in the room eased, I realized that I had some explaining to do. I turned to face my friends and Dwani, their expressions filled with shock and confusion. In that moment, I made a split-second decision and blurted out the truth.

"Dad, I miss Dwani, so I came to visit her," I confessed, feeling a mixture of relief and apprehension. My words hung in the air, and I braced myself for their reactions. I knew that I had a lot of explaining to do, and the circumstances surrounding my relationship with Dwani were about to be revealed.

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