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As Dwani, Vedant, and their parents arrived at Uncle Govind's house, they were warmly welcomed by the caretaker of the house. Uncle Govind, who was resting in his room due to his illness, heard the news of his nephew's arrival and immediately asked the home nurse to assist him to the living area. Upon seeing Vedant, Govind's face lit up with happiness. He exchanged pleasant greetings with his brother Jeyaram and his wife Parvathy, who inquired about his health.

Govind expressed that he was feeling much better now, especially since his favorite nephew Vedant had come to visit. However, Govind's joy turned to shock when he noticed another figure standing next to Vedant. The surprise was evident on his face, but he quickly composed himself and asked Vedant about the identity of the person beside him.

Vedant, holding Dwani's hand, introduced her as his love, Dwani.

After the initial shock of  seeing dwani Govind engaged in a conversation with her, expressing concern about her well-being and asking about her parents. Dwani revealed her orphan status, which surprised Govind once again, but he handled it with empathy and care.

As lunchtime arrived, Govind invited everyone to the dining area where they were served with Vedant's favorite dishes. Vedant was delighted to see the spread and felt even happier when Uncle Govind patted his back, showing that he remembered and cared about Vedant's love for homemade food. Jeyaram and Parvathy were already aware of Govind's affection for Vedant and his nurturing nature, so they were not surprised by his thoughtful behavior.

Dwani was deeply touched and grateful for Govind's kindness towards her as he also promised her to her favourite food one daye. It became evident that Govind treated Vedant as his own child, and now, he extended his affection to Dwani as well.

As they all began to enjoy their lunch, Govind couldn't help but keep his eyes on Dwani. Jeyaram noticed this and understood that Govind wanted to talk about it privately later. There seemed to be something significant that Govind wished to discuss concerning Dwani, possibly to understand her situation better or offer further support.

The atmosphere during lunch was filled with warmth and affection, with Govind's caring nature shining through, making Dwani feel welcomed and accepted as part of the family.

In the afternoon, after the satisfying lunch, everyone decided to take a rest. However, Dwani couldn't contain her excitement upon seeing the snow-covered surroundings, as it was her first time experiencing such a sight. The beauty of the snow mesmerized her, and she couldn't resist exploring it further.

Vedant noticed Dwani's fascination and decided to share the joy of the snowy backyard with her. He took her hand and led her outside, where they found a perfect spot to build a snowman. Vedant patiently taught Dwani how to mold the snow, stack it up, and create a cute snowman together. They laughed and played in the snow for some time, enjoying the simple yet delightful activity.

As the playtime in the snow concluded, they both felt a bit tired and decided to head back inside to rest. Dwani felt grateful to Vedant for sharing this magical experience with her and making her feel like a part of his world. The warmth of the family and the joy of the day's activities filled her heart with happiness, and she couldn't wait to spend more time with Vedant and his caring family.

In the evening, as Dwani wandered through the corridor, she noticed Uncle Govind sitting there engrossed with his iPad. Upon spotting her, he warmly invited her to come and join him. Dwani approached and took a seat next to him, feeling comfortable in his presence.

Uncle Govind showed an interest in Dwani's life and asked her about her journey so far. Dwani opened up to him, sharing her past experiences. She told him that she had lived in an orphanage, where the caretakers were kind enough to ensure she received an education. Through their support, she was able to attend school, and her dedication and hard work earned her a scholarship to study MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery). Currently, she was pursuing her medical studies at Jeyaram uncle's college.

As Dwani shared her story, Uncle Govind listened attentively, and nodded understanding. Dwani appreciated his willingness to lend an ear and his genuine concern for her well-being. It was evident that he cared deeply about Vedant's happiness and the people he held dear, and Dwani felt grateful to be included in that circle of care and affection.

As Vedant arrived and joined Uncle Govind and Dwani, he had a playful request for his uncle. He asked if he could borrow Dwani for a little while to take her to the theater room in the house. Uncle Govind jokingly agreed but teased them not to engage in any "dirty romance" in his theater room, which elicited laughter from everyone present.

Vedant playfully assured his uncle that they would behave themselves and respect the space. He then took Dwani's hand, and together, they made their way to the theater room. Dwani felt a mix of excitement and happiness to spend more time with Vedant, exploring different aspects of his uncle's home.

Govind's mind was filled with thoughts and questions about Dwani's identity. He couldn't shake off the feeling that dwani  has resemblence of someone he is searching. The uncertainty about her background troubled him. Just then, he was startled by a cough, and when he turned, he saw Jeyaram standing there, having noticed his deep contemplation.

Concerned, Jeyaram asked Govind what was bothering him and why he seemed so preoccupied with Dwani during lunch. Taking a deep breath, Govind finally shared his thoughts, asking Jeyaram, "Do you think it's her?"

Jeyaram was taken aback by the question and the gravity of what Govind might be implying. The situation suddenly turned serious, and both of them realized that there might be more to Dwani's story than they she aware of. They exchanged worried glances, and the air became tense with unspoken questions.

It seemed that Govind's intuition had triggered something significant, raising doubts about Dwani's past and her connection to someone he is searching for past  years. He understood the importance of addressing this matter delicately, as it involved Dwani's personal history and emotions.

As the day drew to a close, Govind's mind was still preoccupied with thoughts about Dwani's identity. He hoped that by speaking with Jeyaram and further understanding Dwani's background, they could provide her with the support and care she deserved.

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With love cutiepie5

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