Chapter -36

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As Vedant approached Dwani's workplace, his heart fluttered with excitement and anticipation. He missed her dearly and couldn't wait to see her again. Dwani was starting her job at the restaurant, and the thought of her being busy and working hard made Vedant admire her even more.

After a bit of casual conversation, Vedant managed to discreetly collect a small hair sample from Dwani. He didn't want to raise any suspicions, so he carefully tucked it away without her noticing. Vedant knew that DNA testing could be a crucial step in uncovering something significant.

Once he returned home, he approached his father Jeyaram and uncle Govind  with the hair sample. Jeyaram, being a man of experience and wisdom, understood the importance of this matter . He promised that he would take care of the DNA test discreetly. Jeyaram and , Govind, went to their own hospital . They chose his hospital because it allowed them to maintain confidentiality and get the results quickly.

As the test was initiated, the tension grew, and the two hours felt like an eternity for Jeyaram, and Govind. They understood the impact the results would have on Dwani  lif and they all hoped for a positive outcome.

Meanwhile, Govind was resolute in his decision to tell everything to Dwani if the DNA test proved that she was her daughter. He believed that honesty and openness were essential, and even though it might be overwhelming for Dwani, he thought it was better to reveal the truth sooner rather than later.

As the clock ticked away, Govind tried to stay calm and collected while waiting for the results. He had so many thoughts racing through his mind, but above all, he hoped that the test would confirm the connection he believed he shared with Dwani.

Finally, the moment arrived, and Jeyaram received the DNA test results. As he looked at the report, his face revealed a mix of emotions. Govind anxiously waited for his brother to speak, and with a deep breath, Jeyaram shared the news. The test confirmed that Dwani was indeed her daughter.

Now, with the truth revealed, Govind felt it was time to talk to Dwani and disclose everything. It was going to be a life-altering moment for her, but he believed that it was better to learn the truth and start processing it. Jeyaram and Govind decided to meet with Dwani that evening, in a comfortable and supportive setting.

As the sun began to set, He couldn't help but feel grateful for the revelation, yet apprehensive about how Dwani would react to the news. The truth had a way of changing everything, but he knew that facing it together would strengthen their bond, no matter what the outcome.

As the day drew to a close, Vedant, parvathy Jeyaram, and Govind prepared to meet Dwani, unaware of how this pivotal moment would shape their lives forever. The evening held the promise of resolution, understanding, and above all, the power of truth and love.

They all went towards dwani home she welcomed her with a warm smile she feels a tension between them so she told " I will get some tea and snacks" " no need for that come and sit here with us I want to tell you something" govind said. She sat  with them in the couch vedant sir next to her and held her hand and assure her that everything will be okey. Govind started.

I am a handsom man in my college days I have many girl admirers but i did not love anyone one day me and my friends went to the club and enjoying ourselves suddenly I saw one girls she was very beautiful and cute and innocent I thought that i want to have her once with that i approached her and asked hey "what's your name beautiful " she said "Devaki "then i asked her "are you enjoying here" she said "no no I don't like place like this I just come here because of my friends toda is our farewell party" from her way talking i understand that she is not like any other girls it makes me want her more i was in my thoughts suddenly a girl come to me and asked "do you want her "i said yes i asked "why are you helping  me"she said that "because of devaki beauty my boyfriend left me so I want my revenge from her" then i told her a room number and ask her to bring devaki there then she asked my name i said govind and my details after some time an unconscious devaki was in my room after my purpose i left her and went back to my home happily. After 2 months I was working in my office devaki come there "what are you doing here " i asked her " why did you do that to me " she asked i understand what she meant then she said " I am pregnant " but i didn't believer her  because I used protection I asked her " how you got to know about me " " my classmate told me that she set me up with you" she said but  saud that " your friend is lying " then i asked our security guard to chase her away and then take my car and drove away she chased my car my i speeded i went to a club and then at night I went to home I am not able to drive with drinking do i asked for a driver. I sat in the backside of my card there i saw an envelope I opened it and read  it says i deed devaki is pregnant i was shocked i know that sometimes protection may not work so i went back to my office and started searching for her in the whole area but she is nowhere. I searched for her for the city but I didn't find her then in changed myself. Regret  for denying her slowly started to kill me I didn't marry anyone because of my depression my father send me to America i stayed there.

His voice carried a mixture of emotions, blending nostalgia and longing. I had spent years relentlessly searching for Devaki and the child, but all my efforts had been in vain. Throughout my tireless quest, i  had scoured countless places, seeking any shred of information about their whereabouts, hoping for a glimmer of hope that they were safe and well.

Yet, despite all my dedicated searching, i received no news or clues about their fate. The uncertainty and the weight of the years had taken their toll on me  leaving with a heavy heart and a sense of helplessness.

Then, the unexpected happened. My life took an astonishing turn when i saw you for the first time in america. You have an uncanny resemblance to Devaki,  so striking that it seemed almost surreal, as though fate had conspired to bring us together across time and space.

Dwani was shocked hearing this.

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