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MANY THOUGHTS WERE OFF, running through the mans mind that he didn't even know what to say. He didn't think his daughter was ever capable of doing something so crazy. He was stuck inbetween all of his thoughts as he just stared at his daughter with bulging E/C eyes. He could tell that she obviously had remorse, he just didn't want to be one of those parents that don't hold their psychopathic children accountable.

The man couldn't bring himself to say anything at all because he felt so hurt for himself for thinking that he raised the female this way and he began to blame himself for not being around too much even though he didn't know nothing was his fault at all.

Standing up to his feet as his eyes began to grow a little watery, the father then backed away from the teen that stared up at him with wide eyes, "What...?"

"Dad!! No...! I.. I mean.. I didn't kill anybody, but... I helped c-clean up the messes that he made, and.. That's.. that's still horrible of me!!"

There was a wave of relief that washed over his father once he finally processed what the girl was saying, but that still didn't mean his daughter was in the clear, so he just figured he'd learn the whole story to stop himself from jumping to conclusions, "Who's.. who's him..??"

"Z-Zero..!!" She choked out as she pushed herself up so that she was sitting up on her bed, her eyes peering down at her legs that sprawled out against her sheets.

Glancing up at the ceiling while he narrowed his E/C eyes, the father got off track and went deep in thought once again, "Zero?? Who names their son Zero...?"

"I.. I don't know, okay?!! What do I do?? He's going to kill me if he finds out that I told you! I don't even wanna go to cops because... What if he has some plan to get himself out of jail?!!"

Before the older man could respond to the female, she already snapped her neck up to his face and spoke up before him, "Is that even possible??!!"

"Uh... Yes, honey.. I think that's very possible, but," he listened to the whine that left the woman's throat before he crossed his arms over his chest and tried to think of many ways to calm her down, "Y/N... It's.. going to be okay, alright?? I'm here for you..."

Those smooth words that came from the man really didn't do anything to the girl but only make her even more nervous about what could happen to her, because she was still stuck on what he told her before.

Noticing the wash of silence that overcame the H/C haired teen, the male dropped his arms down to his sides with a slight huff before he started making his way over to the girl that peered up at him with a look of distraught and worry laid out on her features.

Once the father was close enough to his daughter, he gently sat himself down on the side of her bed and turned all of his attention onto her, making sure to keep deep eye contact as he did so, "Y/N. I want you to tell me what happened. I want to know everything so I can help you.."

A gasp left Y/Ns mouth as she placed both of her hands against her sheets, allowing them to be balled up into her fists as she tried to calm herself down a little, "Are you sure...? He might-"

"Don't think about him right now. It'll only keep you from getting yourself safe, alright?" He slowly pushed his arm out before he gently pressed it against her shoulder, causing him to gain all of her attention, "The only person you'll be ruining is yourself if you don't tell me what happened while I was gone, Y/N.."

"Okay! Okay...! Fine, I'll tell you, uhh.." she wriggled a little, feeling the way the mans large hand slipped right off of her shoulder while she just shuddered at the thoughts of the two dead bodies being imprinted in her mind.

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